Merry Christmas !!

This is my first Christmas alone and I have to say it pretty much sucks I am going to sleep as long as possible then veg in front of the TV. So all in all I would say this will be a very productive day.

I hope everyone else is having a better Holiday.
Aww Xmas alone isn't all bad. No holiday stress!

Me like, my high school pics I looked one of the special needs kids, course still do.
Thanks chic, thats is exactlly how I feel.
So yesterday I get this call from Danny he had a terrible day at work and needed a night out to make him feel better so we went to a club in Riverside we like to go to on Tuesday nights. We had so much fun!!

I thought it was so funny this guy came up to me and started talking to me about my...
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Posers are funny. smile
Last night was one of the best nights I have had in a long time and I will tell you why. First I had dinner with what I call my significant other Danny ( my gay best friend) yes I go on romantic dates with a gay man and I have the best time he isn't out to Fuck me just enjoy my company.... anyway...
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I missed the drinks thing too. So no worries about that.
Sounds like you had fun anyway.
Okay I am opening a new store so I have to hire about 50 people and I am looking for supervisors. These are people who have some management experience. So I am going threw monster.com and looking at resumes and I have the best laugh at some of them. If you are applying for a management job and your asking for 50,000 a year do...
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I see some weird ones at work too.
Do you ever read a story or a poem and it makes you do that dreamy sigh..... It creates the I want that feeling. Well here is one of those poems I can read over and over again. I catch myself sighing saying that's sweet. I guess I am a hopeless romantic after all smile

O YOU whom I often and silently come where you are,...
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Yesterday I was greatly surprised my #3 bff Danny took me out for dinner and not just any were but to Flemings a very nice restaurant that I had mentioned I'd like to try. It was a thank you for cooking thanksgiving dinner and making me feel special all the time dinner. I though it was one of the sweetest things he has ever done....
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It is great when a good friend acts like one.
Where is the resturant?
I heed not that my earthly lot
Hath little of earth in it
That years of love have been forgot
In the hatred of a minute:
I mourn not that the desolate
Are happier, sweet, than I,
But that you sorrow for my fate
Who am a passer by.

Wouldnt it be cool if we talked like this.
I still do....
Why is it that as little girls we grow up wanting that fairy tale life? Wanting prince charming to come sweep us off our feet and we live happily ever after. And further more why is reality nothing close to it. We can conjure up these wonderful fantasies in movies and in our own imaginations but reality tends to leave a bitterness in the mouth....
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I think that Prince Charming and the Fairy Princess are dramatizations. Or maybe they eloped and move to Tahiti. Who can live up to that kind of hype? wink
Maybe the next guy will work out better. Not quite Prince Charming, but right for you. biggrin
i think the trouble is, these ideas, prince charming and so on are not as tangible as they used to be because in terms of how society has developed in the last 100 years. . we've basically turned into a race of materialistic self-serving assholes. not to be a misanthrope about it. . okay, to be a TOTAL misanthrope about it, romance is mostly dead, chivalry is practically extinct and 'true love' is a concept most people sneer at because people are pretty jaded.

i've known guys who were prince charmings to girls, and they were shit upon for it, taken forgranted, not appreciated. . . they ended up bitter. one of them ended up at the bottom of a lake.

however, i'm all for love, and romance and all that comes with it. pretty much at the expense of some pretty lonely years throught my teens and my twenties dreaming of 'miss right' and not getting involved with many i could have because there wasn't that sparkle, that gut-feeling. . .

behind the misanthropy is the cracked heart of a disillusioned romantic who's still waiting to be someone's prince charming.
How is it my dumb luck I would meet the most amazing guy and he moves to Puerto Rico. And this is the first guy I have met that has all the things I am looking for, he's funny, assertive, tall, smart, has a very sexy Puerto Rican accent and most immortally he is really into me. We are trying the long distance thing and...
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Talk Like A Pirate Day is sadly under appreciated in So Cal...
Today I had to get up at 130 am to be at work by 3 am since it is considered Black Friday in the world of retail. There were people camped outside my store that had been there since thursday evening I don't get it that is just crazy to me that people camp out to save a few bucks. But my favorite part about...
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im still waiting in line
I hope your goof off day was spent well. biggrin