First off I PROMISE that I will post pics as soon as I master this damned contraption that I like to call a PC.
And secondly I'd like to rehash all that has gone on in this frantic day of mine... It all starts with the regular work day that was my friday. I won't go into all that because it's boring as hell and nothing much out of the ordinary happened.
On my way out from work some guys that I work with pawned a small blk kitten off on me. Actually they played into my female mothering instincts by first showing my the small, helpless youngster. Then by telling me that since they could find no other people willing to take it in, if I didn't take it they would undoubtedly have to feed it to the hogs when they got home to the farm.
Please remember that I am from KY and there are rednecks here. Mind you, we are not all this way, but there are a few assholes here.
So I take the cute guy home and make it a nice place out by my shed. Food, water, and cover from the elements... I'm feeling great. Me and my Honch go check a movie. (The Transporter 2, which was pretty good and a nail-biter!!) Then when we get home I let the pup out as usual. In the confusion of her meeting the new outside kitten and her in turn getting swiped on the nose by said kitten she must have gotten her foot stepped on. I was trying to keep them apart and she suddenly yelped like holy-terror and stumbled on to her face.
This went on at every step, and I couldn't take the painful dog screams. Checked her paws for foreign objects (none) and quickly called the AA Small Animal Emergency Clinic in the next town over. Mind you it's after midnight already... I feel like such a bad mom.
So after a 25 min drive back into town to the clinic we wait. Weekend nights we found out are pretty bad nights for emergency vet clinics. Lots of hit-and-runs.... and emergency surgeries.. Thankfully my baby was alright, actually it must have just pinched her toe or something because by the time we got to see the doctor she was walking just fine
But there were several other mommies there that weren't doing so well. One woman was lucky enough for someone to have call in the fact that they hit both of her dogs. The vets had picked them up... noticed that they were micro-chipped and had given her a call to inform her of what happened. Unfortunately only one of them made it but at least she actually gets to know about what has happened to her babies... so many people don't call.
So you must be asking yourself "why am I telling you all of this??" Well, after I got home at 2:30 in the morning, exhausted and alittle frustrated with the vet bill... I thought that it was important to tell you all that if you love your animals... treat them like your children. Wouldn't you want the best care for your baby? Look after them, and remember that their love is probably the only un-conditional love that we will ever know.
oh... and, sorry for being so long winded and dramatic tonight. It must be the stress.
And secondly I'd like to rehash all that has gone on in this frantic day of mine... It all starts with the regular work day that was my friday. I won't go into all that because it's boring as hell and nothing much out of the ordinary happened.
On my way out from work some guys that I work with pawned a small blk kitten off on me. Actually they played into my female mothering instincts by first showing my the small, helpless youngster. Then by telling me that since they could find no other people willing to take it in, if I didn't take it they would undoubtedly have to feed it to the hogs when they got home to the farm.
Please remember that I am from KY and there are rednecks here. Mind you, we are not all this way, but there are a few assholes here.

So I take the cute guy home and make it a nice place out by my shed. Food, water, and cover from the elements... I'm feeling great. Me and my Honch go check a movie. (The Transporter 2, which was pretty good and a nail-biter!!) Then when we get home I let the pup out as usual. In the confusion of her meeting the new outside kitten and her in turn getting swiped on the nose by said kitten she must have gotten her foot stepped on. I was trying to keep them apart and she suddenly yelped like holy-terror and stumbled on to her face.
This went on at every step, and I couldn't take the painful dog screams. Checked her paws for foreign objects (none) and quickly called the AA Small Animal Emergency Clinic in the next town over. Mind you it's after midnight already... I feel like such a bad mom.

So after a 25 min drive back into town to the clinic we wait. Weekend nights we found out are pretty bad nights for emergency vet clinics. Lots of hit-and-runs.... and emergency surgeries.. Thankfully my baby was alright, actually it must have just pinched her toe or something because by the time we got to see the doctor she was walking just fine

So you must be asking yourself "why am I telling you all of this??" Well, after I got home at 2:30 in the morning, exhausted and alittle frustrated with the vet bill... I thought that it was important to tell you all that if you love your animals... treat them like your children. Wouldn't you want the best care for your baby? Look after them, and remember that their love is probably the only un-conditional love that we will ever know.

oh... and, sorry for being so long winded and dramatic tonight. It must be the stress.
How do the dog and cat get along? Have you named the kitty yet?