Once upon a time in the land of V there lived a happy little girl. The time had come and it was her birthday so, she set off to have some peace and quiet with a few of her friends... The day passed with ease as she lounged by the pool taking in some sun and a little recreational chemistry But eventually she knew it would all have to end. Reluctantly she gathered her things and wandered off toward her comfortable home. But as things usually go upon your Birthday, she didn't exactly get what she wanted. Instead of the playful pony that she desired she got a repremand from the city law enforcement.
Seems that the happy little girl had been too eager to get home in her state and had gotten pulled over exactly 100 yards from her most confortable home (what luck ) The kind and noble officer stated that it wasn't polite to speed and slapped her with a large fine and a free trip to traffic school. !YAY! And to top it all off when he returned with the now sad and nervous little girls liscence and registration... he told her that he had only just realized that it was the sad little girls Birthday. He went on to give her well wishes (thanks alot asshole ) and told her that he was sorry ( alittle too late for that she thought!!) But that if he had caught it sooner he would have been more lieniante (sp??) and would only have given her a warning!@**&5!!
What made it all worse thought the now little girl, was that she had still been in her smallest little black bikini and she was a tad bit aggrivated that the officer didn't fall for her womanly charms and let her off of the hook anyway... Birthday or no birthday. No such luck.
Seems that the happy little girl had been too eager to get home in her state and had gotten pulled over exactly 100 yards from her most confortable home (what luck ) The kind and noble officer stated that it wasn't polite to speed and slapped her with a large fine and a free trip to traffic school. !YAY! And to top it all off when he returned with the now sad and nervous little girls liscence and registration... he told her that he had only just realized that it was the sad little girls Birthday. He went on to give her well wishes (thanks alot asshole ) and told her that he was sorry ( alittle too late for that she thought!!) But that if he had caught it sooner he would have been more lieniante (sp??) and would only have given her a warning!@**&5!!
What made it all worse thought the now little girl, was that she had still been in her smallest little black bikini and she was a tad bit aggrivated that the officer didn't fall for her womanly charms and let her off of the hook anyway... Birthday or no birthday. No such luck.
Happy Belated Birthday yourself! We leonine types rule the kingdom.
Sorry the cop was such a complete ass. Clearly he was blind.