So, there have been a few requests for more of me... and I aim to deliver. Sorry that I cannot post them directly to my page to make it easier, but alas they are not mine! So, I went out Saturday night... And I had a great time. Didn't get home til' 6 in the mornin'... and I was the DD! *gasp*
Eric, (my pal from the crazy college days/ the one in the polo and ball cap) was the photographer and my cousin jaxtattoo was my partner in crime!! Hope you all enjoy the "Office Version: Visual 2.0"
Oh, by the way the events of the evening included: McCarthy's (an Irish bar downtown Lex.) RoseBud's (also a Lex bar) and then on to Denny's for some grub.
Oh, I've also added some new pics...

Oh, I've also added some new pics...
Ah yes! My artist told me about that article, so yes, that is me, and her, and your foot was nowhere near your face!
[Edited on Apr 25, 2006 2:35PM]