*The Daily Visual *
Wow, it's been awhile since I've typed that headline... I just thought that it seemed fitting since this post will be all about moi
It's taken me long enough to compile enough things to fulfill this request and I hope that it will be worth it for you all that decide to read it all the way through!!
So as you waste away your night learning about me, thank Random_Dusty for taggin' me
1.) I have an odd habit of making lists for everything for myself. (And I do mean for everything!) From grocery lists, to packing lists for trips, to lists of things that I want to get accomplished during the day or week. I think it helps me to feel alittle more sane. Keeps my mind straightened out. So I've loved doing this!!
2.) I graduated from Eastern Kentucky University after five years... with my Bachelors degree in Visual Arts and a minor in Art history. And you ask your self... is art really that hard that it took her 5 yrs. to complete her degree?! Well, no but those 5 yrs. sure as hell were fun!
3.) I am fascinated with Native American culture and spirituality. I feel more of a connection to their beliefs of nature than I do of any other religion.
4.) I love the cowboy way of life. If I could go back to any time period it would be the early 1900's and I would drive cattle on the open range.
5.) If I could be any animal I would chose to be a horse. To be more precise, a Friesian. LOOK HERE...
6.) I am most definately an animal person. Animals of all kinds. And my dream life would be to have a place on lots of land so that I could have more Great Danes, some horses, chickens, and maybe goats... and a few head of cattle.
7.) I've been welding since I was fifteen.
8.) I joined the Girl Scouts when I was in middle school and actually I am a lifetime member. I earned my Silver award my freshman year of highschool and my Gold award my senior year. The Gold is the highest ranking recognition that a girl can recieve.
9.) I took about six years of horse back riding lessons when I was younger so that I could hang out at the barn with the horses. I also used to show horses for awhile and have a few blue ribbons...
10.) I am currently an adult advisor for a Venture Crew which is a fraction of the Boy Scouts of America. It's for older kids both male and female and we do lots of cool stuff like hike, go caving, boating, rapelling etc.
11.) I am afraid of the dark, and of trying new things, and of heights...
12.) All of my family vacations while growing up consisted of camping.
13.) My first sexual experience (with penetration/intercourse) was anal.
14.) My first kiss with a girl was in college, with Sara. She lived down the hall from me in the dorms... and I've kissed every one of my close girlfriends since.
15.) I've been to France twice, both wih highschool trips. And to Ireland on my Honeymoon... I want to travel more.
16.) I've participated in a threesome. They were married... and we're still friends.
17.) I love women but I am shy about approaching them.
18.) I love being drunk. Social drinking is the way to go!!
19.) Sometimes I just want to feel beautiful. I get all dolled up and actually put on make-up and go out to flirt!! Flirting makes me feel Larger than life, invinceable even. It recharges my SELF.
20.) Oh, and I love indie films...
I hope you enjoyed all that shit... for those of you that read it all. And I promise I'll post some MX pics soon!!
Wow, it's been awhile since I've typed that headline... I just thought that it seemed fitting since this post will be all about moi

So as you waste away your night learning about me, thank Random_Dusty for taggin' me

1.) I have an odd habit of making lists for everything for myself. (And I do mean for everything!) From grocery lists, to packing lists for trips, to lists of things that I want to get accomplished during the day or week. I think it helps me to feel alittle more sane. Keeps my mind straightened out. So I've loved doing this!!
2.) I graduated from Eastern Kentucky University after five years... with my Bachelors degree in Visual Arts and a minor in Art history. And you ask your self... is art really that hard that it took her 5 yrs. to complete her degree?! Well, no but those 5 yrs. sure as hell were fun!

3.) I am fascinated with Native American culture and spirituality. I feel more of a connection to their beliefs of nature than I do of any other religion.
4.) I love the cowboy way of life. If I could go back to any time period it would be the early 1900's and I would drive cattle on the open range.
5.) If I could be any animal I would chose to be a horse. To be more precise, a Friesian. LOOK HERE...
6.) I am most definately an animal person. Animals of all kinds. And my dream life would be to have a place on lots of land so that I could have more Great Danes, some horses, chickens, and maybe goats... and a few head of cattle.
7.) I've been welding since I was fifteen.
8.) I joined the Girl Scouts when I was in middle school and actually I am a lifetime member. I earned my Silver award my freshman year of highschool and my Gold award my senior year. The Gold is the highest ranking recognition that a girl can recieve.
9.) I took about six years of horse back riding lessons when I was younger so that I could hang out at the barn with the horses. I also used to show horses for awhile and have a few blue ribbons...
10.) I am currently an adult advisor for a Venture Crew which is a fraction of the Boy Scouts of America. It's for older kids both male and female and we do lots of cool stuff like hike, go caving, boating, rapelling etc.
11.) I am afraid of the dark, and of trying new things, and of heights...
12.) All of my family vacations while growing up consisted of camping.
13.) My first sexual experience (with penetration/intercourse) was anal.
14.) My first kiss with a girl was in college, with Sara. She lived down the hall from me in the dorms... and I've kissed every one of my close girlfriends since.

15.) I've been to France twice, both wih highschool trips. And to Ireland on my Honeymoon... I want to travel more.
16.) I've participated in a threesome. They were married... and we're still friends.

17.) I love women but I am shy about approaching them.
18.) I love being drunk. Social drinking is the way to go!!
19.) Sometimes I just want to feel beautiful. I get all dolled up and actually put on make-up and go out to flirt!! Flirting makes me feel Larger than life, invinceable even. It recharges my SELF.
20.) Oh, and I love indie films...
I hope you enjoyed all that shit... for those of you that read it all. And I promise I'll post some MX pics soon!!
get at me sometime soon!