hope you had fun last nite hanging out...i know i did! it was nice getting out & away from my damn computer for awhile...and of course cool hanging with ya! your mohawk is da shit!
here's the pink house i was telling ya about:
oh...and that place that LEGBONE is playing at in west carrolton is called stage one, ever heard of it? but u should come out & see them next saturday dec. 4th in troy or the following friday dec. 10th @ bernies in columbus, im going to all of these so i can get ya a ride if ya want!
here's the pink house i was telling ya about:
oh...and that place that LEGBONE is playing at in west carrolton is called stage one, ever heard of it? but u should come out & see them next saturday dec. 4th in troy or the following friday dec. 10th @ bernies in columbus, im going to all of these so i can get ya a ride if ya want!
stay in touch!
[Edited on Nov 26, 2004 12:54PM]