So i'm getting out of the ATL for a few weeks but tonight I get to see Peanut Butter Wolf...Say word
somebody please slap me and tell me i'm being stupid oink bok oink bok oink bok
thought of the day:
Would you rather live as Billy Idol or die for Deborah Harry? Hmmmmmmm
live as billy idol . . .BILLY!!!! love
Your love is the only thing I live for in this world
Oh how I wait for the day your heart
burns In these heavenly flames
I've already scorched in I just want you to know
I'll always be waiting
DAMN...I think I just got used. Not that it's a bad thing, I just wish I got used more than once
that stinks, its much better better to be used more than once I have to agree.
I added some pics of old art work from my book. I'll put some recent stuff up soon.
watched the Animatrix last night. I didn't even know these were around. It's 9 or 10 short animated films that have to do with the Matrix. Different styles of animation in each one along with completely new characters. Anyway I highly recommend seeing it but if you prefer something else I hear Dustin Diamond (screech) is doing a comedy tour. *gag me with a spoon*
hmmmm, I been listenin to some DJDSL, a little girlier dj shadowish beats. I just got some of my Grouch albums back (finally!) not much really new, I could talk about music forever too. let's have a convo
so many pretty girls...so little confidence love
cool... whats your secret then?
(to getting over it...)