Christmas time is probably the best time to buy yourself something. I mean, everything is already on sale so why waste it on someone else? Okay, so that sounded selfish. But the fact remains, you know what you need/want more than anyone else.

On a seperate note, what's the deal with "Dimebag" Darrel of Pantera getting shot to death on stage? I thought that only...
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Nothing like feeling too old. I'm only 24, and yet today I was once again reminded that - in comparison to an 18 year old - I am indeed an old man. Standing in line for food at school today (perhaps it is the fact that I'm still in school...) I stumbled into a conversation with a young lady standing behind me. At some point,...
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Damn... and I'm 26! I must be close to retirement... smile
I don't know what teenagers are like in Manchester, but around here they're largely degenerate. I almost feel like I was lucky to have missed whatever social apocalypse that created the hoody-wearing, Adidas-polishing, hair-bleaching youth of today.

And I'm pretty sure I'm not just "too old."
I went to Boston this weekend with three of my good friends. The hotel was incredible, and the two nights we were there were such a blast. Except for early on Friday night. Ever heard of a "power hour"? I never had (not being in a frat or involved in parties at college didn't help). Anyway, I made it through a power 40 minutes and...
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I thought power hour was that annoying bullshit they play on Sunday mornings on UPN.

Preachers 'n' stuff. I don't think I could even last 40 seconds without tossing mah cookies.
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