I'm 21 now. Last night was the first night since my birthday i didn't drink.
Wow, it's amazing how fast you can become an alchoholic. I caught my self the other day drinking a glass of brandy at 11:30 in the morning because i didn't want my buzz from my breakfast guiness to ware off before class. A couple of bartenders recognize me now too and i don't get carded.
I suppose Hemmingway was a drunk too, so i still might be okay.
Goin out drinkin again tonight too.
Wow, it's amazing how fast you can become an alchoholic. I caught my self the other day drinking a glass of brandy at 11:30 in the morning because i didn't want my buzz from my breakfast guiness to ware off before class. A couple of bartenders recognize me now too and i don't get carded.
I suppose Hemmingway was a drunk too, so i still might be okay.
Goin out drinkin again tonight too.

i'm not a big "out on the town" kind of person, so when someone drags me out then ditches me, it makes me want to stay in all the more.