What is there to say? Life's a fucking bitch and I want to kick her ass!
Why is there days you just wish never existed? A day like today just starts fucking wrong ...
... and then it snowballs and becomes such a shit day that you wish it never happened. And then you want to change tomorrow to make up for today ... fucking vicious circle.
Nine more working days left before our Agency shuts down. The silly season is upon us!
That was a deadly fart! Not mine ... my husband's!
He is lying on the bed while I'm surfing the net. He either had acute hay fever today, or he is getting the fucking flu-bug
OMG ... I am so fucking irritated!
Perhaps I'll write again later when I am not in such a shitty, bitchy mood

Nine more working days left before our Agency shuts down. The silly season is upon us!

OMG ... I am so fucking irritated!
Perhaps I'll write again later when I am not in such a shitty, bitchy mood

I hope things are looking up for you soon.