I just lost a post after writing it for 15 minutes ... FUCK!!!!!!
I might try again later ... else I will tell you what I wanted to tomorrow

I might try again later ... else I will tell you what I wanted to tomorrow

6th grade to 8th grade is Junior High (which I don't believe you have an equivalent for as that would be still "primary"
then from 9th grade to 12th grade is High School (that's your "secondary" I believe)
I also think you call them years 1-13 but ours is K-12.
Depending on the school district and their regulations and how small the town is, those can change but that's the basic school structure here and our oldest is in 5th grade (year 6 for you, I believe) and next year will be going to Junior High. Basically Junior High is all "pre teens" and it's really the time I'll have to be more careful with her due to boys, puberty etc. and it scares me to bits.
It'll be alright and she's a good girl. I don't think I need to worry too much it's just a lot to deal with as a mom because it reminds me that she's growing up and that makes me sad. (but, I'm an emo mom so lots of things make me sad lol