New Piercing!!!! I got my navel pierced today... kind of on a whim because a friend was getting something done. I saw some cute jewelry & went for it though & am very happy with the result.
As lame as it is, I have wanted to get this done since I was in 5th grade, so regardless of my boyfriend aparently disliking it... oops... I... Read More
All done with finals & a knock on wood, just 3 small summer classes to go!
Cinema - Study: Science Fiction 1 unit
Cinema - Study: The Western 1 unit
Holistic Health - Stress Management 3 units
Friday my bf story-told the Changeling game I usually run, so that was relaxing I think my roleplaying skills are a little rusty though. Earlier we went on a pic-nic out to GG park, which was AWESOME to say the least. Oh, and I totally saved an earth worm... and then used purell. Hummus + ginger-beer + sake + chocolate covered... Read More
When I finally walked outside for the day everywhere I looked little black birds were fishing in the grass... successfully... for worms. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but 1pm isn't early in the morning, so if that's when birds are catching the worms then, hell, who am I to call waking up after 12 late?
A couple good friends of mine have been kicking... Read More