Well, the Mystere party't as the case may be. I arrived at my previously announced 12:30 and, though I was told the party would still be RAGING till dawn, there were only about 5 people there, three of which left within a half hour of my arrival. It ended up being myself, Belinda (yes, the crush in my profile Belinda) and her roomie and it was awkward.
As it turns out, Belinda -didn't- know about my relationship, which is odd considering we'd discussed it in passing a couple of times. She made it fairly clear that she "couldn't do that" and that it was "okay" for me, but not something she was into. Luckily, I hadn't expressed interest in her yet.
Le sigh.
Oh well. That's probably why they are called "crushes" in the first place. Luckily, this also means that I don't have to expend energy on that relationship other than the occasional friend-confirming phone calls or coffee get-togethers. I was looking forward to a little romance (and, by that, I don't mean 'booty') or intimacy, but friendship will work.
Oh, and my rock on Ebay sold for $51.
Well, the Mystere party't as the case may be. I arrived at my previously announced 12:30 and, though I was told the party would still be RAGING till dawn, there were only about 5 people there, three of which left within a half hour of my arrival. It ended up being myself, Belinda (yes, the crush in my profile Belinda) and her roomie and it was awkward.
As it turns out, Belinda -didn't- know about my relationship, which is odd considering we'd discussed it in passing a couple of times. She made it fairly clear that she "couldn't do that" and that it was "okay" for me, but not something she was into. Luckily, I hadn't expressed interest in her yet.
Le sigh.
Oh well. That's probably why they are called "crushes" in the first place. Luckily, this also means that I don't have to expend energy on that relationship other than the occasional friend-confirming phone calls or coffee get-togethers. I was looking forward to a little romance (and, by that, I don't mean 'booty') or intimacy, but friendship will work.
Oh, and my rock on Ebay sold for $51.