Wow party at my house tonight and after 2 hours of cleaning my house is ready. Now all I have to do is shower and shop for the food. This should be fun!
Man there is no point in being at work all the lenders are closed today so we can't really get any work done bahhhh. Only one more week then I am out of this fucking place and on to better things! jsdflkjfdl;kjfg
It's stuff yourself with lots of food day! I have some family coming in that I don't see much and whom I love to death. We always have a great time so today should be really nice. It should be full of my brother, my two cousins and I talking crap in a loving way about the rest of my crazy family.
Dun Dun Dun I think it's my turn to be sick. My mom, dad,brother, boyfriend, and best friend all got it and now I think it's my turn. Bah well lets hope I can get over it quick.
Holy crap I got the job! She really liked me and wow is this going to be a better place to work. There is soo much more room to grow. I am getting away for all the crazy drama and slave labor to a job that pays almost 8k more and offers bonuses. I am nervous about giving notice because I know my crazy boss... Read More
Job interview tomorrow please everyone keep your fingers crossed for me I need a new job in the worst way. I think I might end up hurting someone if I say here any longer. Also I would make like $12,000.00 more a year if I do get it!
So today looks to be no better than yesterday I am just as kjghflgjhgfsdhgflh. I really don't know what I want to do about the situation I am in. My head tells me one thing and my heart tells me one thing and my need for less drama tells me another. Why can't life ever be easy the last two years of my life have... Read More
So I fell down my stairs last night after I woke up and remembered I didn't blow out a candle down stairs. I am lucky I basically just went down on my ass and shoulders. I felt like such an old lady I need one of those buttons to alert someone that I have fallen and can't get up...
or is it still going?