So mysteriously I got an invitation has been awhile. Unfortunately, I have nothing to say at the moment but give me mind well spew something out.
I came to this world with a blind fold and clinched fist, I came with a timer and the taste of duck tape, I came to a world of oceans and broken glass, a world of knocking on wood while looking up, of happy depresion and domino alcohol.
Then we ran
To the shores of a land locked ghetto...far from the drums and the night...
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Then we ran
To the shores of a land locked ghetto...far from the drums and the night...
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that's beautiful.
Bwhahaha one of us one of us gooble gobble one of us!!
The underground always has that cold feeling, along with the mixing smells of cologne, after shave, perfume, and poverty. My eyes shift and search every face around me but all I get in return is eyes that face the floor. I got on the train and made my way. The metal glanged and every turn is felt as I leaned up against the wall. You...
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the evening was great!
Don't you love the necklace?! My aunt gave it to me! I was so stoked. I also made the fishnets...sort of, I cut them to make them look fun
I miss the underground. I don't get any of that here...just the horrid bus, and trust me, there is nothing magical about the bus...but I do remember the trains...
beautiful writing as alwasy...
Don't you love the necklace?! My aunt gave it to me! I was so stoked. I also made the fishnets...sort of, I cut them to make them look fun

I miss the underground. I don't get any of that here...just the horrid bus, and trust me, there is nothing magical about the bus...but I do remember the trains...

beautiful writing as alwasy...

wonderful prose. i love you the way you make to moment linger and come alive

The night went like a passing wind. The smoke, the beer and me flat mate. We just drank the night away and now it's time to swirl and crash...the bed looks so welcoming but I'll end up on the floor...... Night journal...night everyone
hehe yea alcoholics unite!!
Yeah, my roomie sucks it down too...
Thank you. Funny, I thought you would say something like that. You seemed the type that isn't as swept up in "male hormone" as most...
that pic was for those who just want to see naked body. I sometimes find it fun to shock and visually please those who aren't expecting should see me when I go out to the goth club! LOL!
If you had won, I would have posted something a bit more..thoughtful. You don't seem the type who is entirely here to whack off to the naked seems like you enjoy the art of it too. Thats why I like talking to you...
Thank you. Funny, I thought you would say something like that. You seemed the type that isn't as swept up in "male hormone" as most...
that pic was for those who just want to see naked body. I sometimes find it fun to shock and visually please those who aren't expecting should see me when I go out to the goth club! LOL!
If you had won, I would have posted something a bit more..thoughtful. You don't seem the type who is entirely here to whack off to the naked seems like you enjoy the art of it too. Thats why I like talking to you...
Walking through city as the wind blows past my face and the cars blind me. There are moments that I wonder if it's the same cars at night it all looks like one big dirty disney ride. Same cars, same buses and I'm on the same side of the street. The people you meet only talk in small gestures and the connections last through the...
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Better you say that than
thank you...even though I'm not really smiling in them...i'm kinda smirking...
wow. what sign are you? I have to ask.
I have been there so many times, sitting at a coffee shop just letting the people pass me by...
but then again. I am ussually the girl walking up to the loner, sitting down and talking to them...
My ex-boyfriend used to say the same thing about women and people and going out and such. He used to say they were better in his head than in person. they would stay perfect unless they talked to him then the illusion would be broken...until he met me. He said I was the first girl that ever talked to him that never destroyed the illusion.
I've had many men tell me that.
so, maybe it woudln't be so bad if I walked up to you at the bar with my newcastle in hand and asked you your name...maybe I am the one girl in the world who is a walking illusion. I never break the bubble...
hm. nice thought, huh?
thank you...even though I'm not really smiling in them...i'm kinda smirking...
wow. what sign are you? I have to ask.
I have been there so many times, sitting at a coffee shop just letting the people pass me by...
but then again. I am ussually the girl walking up to the loner, sitting down and talking to them...
My ex-boyfriend used to say the same thing about women and people and going out and such. He used to say they were better in his head than in person. they would stay perfect unless they talked to him then the illusion would be broken...until he met me. He said I was the first girl that ever talked to him that never destroyed the illusion.
I've had many men tell me that.
so, maybe it woudln't be so bad if I walked up to you at the bar with my newcastle in hand and asked you your name...maybe I am the one girl in the world who is a walking illusion. I never break the bubble...
hm. nice thought, huh?

naaaah you would talk to me..I would make you talk!
2. newcastle rules! its the only beer I drink, if at all fact, I have a 24pack in my fridge that I bought to make sure I had some! Cheers!
2. newcastle rules! its the only beer I drink, if at all fact, I have a 24pack in my fridge that I bought to make sure I had some! Cheers!

The record turns and the sweet jazz fills the room and the old rough voice sings to me. These past days I've just been spinning records, while releasing all the art projects I've been wanting to get out and still I have more. The funny thing is I won't show anyone what I've created. Oh well, I also have a bad habit of throwing away...
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You throw away your art as well?
When I used to paint and draw and collage a lot I would throw it away because i would get frustrated and one of my friends would always come over and take my art out of the trash and keep it.
I never knew till i went to his house one day and he had all these insane collages of mine fused together on his wall.
what kinda art you have going so far?
When I used to paint and draw and collage a lot I would throw it away because i would get frustrated and one of my friends would always come over and take my art out of the trash and keep it.
I never knew till i went to his house one day and he had all these insane collages of mine fused together on his wall.
what kinda art you have going so far?
Love is amazing. I have been in love a few times...but this love is an adiction. He is so wrong for me in so many ways, but I can't live without him. He treats me like shit most of the time now...he has good reason to. but I don't know how much more I can take. Yet I can't not have him in my life. It feels like I am dying when I think I will never see him again...but I don't even know if I love him anymore...I'm so fucking confused...ha! thats life!
I love your writing. I would hit a bar with you if you were closer. we could drown ourselves in our vices together. Ha ha! Me and alcohol love each other in this sort of love hate relationship...I probably should end it, but I enjoy it so much!
I love your writing. I would hit a bar with you if you were closer. we could drown ourselves in our vices together. Ha ha! Me and alcohol love each other in this sort of love hate relationship...I probably should end it, but I enjoy it so much!

This place seemed so plain today and yet, I sat around waiting for something to happen. As I walk the streets my mind drifts, just to come back. The sound of my keys hit me, they have this western spur sound and this only brings back a memory. It makes me think of my friend Taryn and how she hated that sound. I smile thinking...
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You write well. I enjoyed reading that. Therefore, I added you as a friend, you seem interesting and all interesting people are worthy of having around.
why the hell do you live all the way in VA? What is there to do in VA? Jesus. I can't imagine living in the south. I visited KY for a few days and that about killed it for me, its very beautiful out there...but there is something scary about that many ignorant people in one place...
why the hell do you live all the way in VA? What is there to do in VA? Jesus. I can't imagine living in the south. I visited KY for a few days and that about killed it for me, its very beautiful out there...but there is something scary about that many ignorant people in one place...
ello ello
Snow coma
The month of choatic emotions,
as the sky gives way to the crystal dreams.
Each contact
gives off an atomic explosion of sensory.
going through every nerve,
activating a self induced meditation.
You think of the first time,
the pure time
and then the pain settles in,
slamming you awake
crying you to sleep
this is the trigger effect.
The month of choatic emotions,
as the sky gives way to the crystal dreams.
Each contact
gives off an atomic explosion of sensory.
going through every nerve,
activating a self induced meditation.
You think of the first time,
the pure time
and then the pain settles in,
slamming you awake
crying you to sleep
this is the trigger effect.
Do not watch "The Fog". The acting is flat, there are to many plot holes, Things jumped from present to past without warning or to show any relevance to the story, and the ending along with the cause of the destruction made no fucking sense. In the words of my friend
" a monkey pumped with acid and ass raped with coke, on a constant...
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" a monkey pumped with acid and ass raped with coke, on a constant...
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Hey, I'm told you want to join the SGDC group! One of the best opportunities to meet us and join the group is to come to the open meet and greet next Saturday the 10th. Check the Hook Up board or my journal for more info. 
[Edited on Dec 02, 2005 10:12PM]

[Edited on Dec 02, 2005 10:12PM]
When I get on this site my main goal is to actually observe the artistic side of the human body and not the flesh or to feed egos. Still it amazes me how in a short span, how many pointless or repetitive comments are left. I'm sure that it's nice to say how sexy someone is but I thought the point of a comment is...
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I usually won't leave a comment unless I think the photos -- composition, lighting, depth of field, etc, etc -- is successful, but I don't think there is anything wrong with letting the SGs know they are beautiful.
-In Time-
I can hear what you're thinking,
All your doubts and fears,
And if you look in my eyes, in time you'll find,
The reason I'm here.
And in time all things shall pass away,
In time, you may come back someday.
To live once more, or die once more,
But in time, your time will be no more.
You know your days are...
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I can hear what you're thinking,
All your doubts and fears,
And if you look in my eyes, in time you'll find,
The reason I'm here.
And in time all things shall pass away,
In time, you may come back someday.
To live once more, or die once more,
But in time, your time will be no more.
You know your days are...
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ahw. yeah, i miss her too when i'm here. will be nice to see my pups more often.
she's a bulldog actually, boxers are pretty awesome though
she's a bulldog actually, boxers are pretty awesome though

hey there

Been through a lot of financial drama these past week. Still I get stressed out easily and then I end up getting an anxiaty attack when I don't want it. Anyway, it all blew over and my stupid roommate forked over the money she owed. So now the brit, the suicide boy, and the loner (me) well be living under the same roof.....tune in for...
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