Well im back here in town.. sadly.. back to my routine work schedule.
I miss her already.
Pittsburgh was amazing this weekend like always..
this girl is the one..
most people say that, but who means it?
i dont think they do, atleast on this many levels.
We had a blast , got to have alot of nice evenings eating out, went to a movie. ( I love you man )
seriously that movie is amazing go see it.
We went shopping a little , not much to buy tho lol... i love spending time with her.. i am getting very used to driving 2 hours to see her.. i wish it was closer but its worth it.
Plus.. it probobly wont always be like that.. if things keep being this good..
cause right now.. ive never been so happy, felt so loved , in my life..
We went bowling to , and lemme just say i suck but yea got like 136 or something.
haha actually got 2 strikes in a row.. how?
beer? dunno lol
shes pretty amazing tho.. and i cant get enough of her.
So thats how my weekend was , i wouldnt have had it any other way.
I dont think we ever stop smiling for 4 days straight until i had to leave that is
but its amazing..
i like this feeling.
I miss her already.
Pittsburgh was amazing this weekend like always..
this girl is the one..
most people say that, but who means it?
i dont think they do, atleast on this many levels.
We had a blast , got to have alot of nice evenings eating out, went to a movie. ( I love you man )
seriously that movie is amazing go see it.
We went shopping a little , not much to buy tho lol... i love spending time with her.. i am getting very used to driving 2 hours to see her.. i wish it was closer but its worth it.
Plus.. it probobly wont always be like that.. if things keep being this good..
cause right now.. ive never been so happy, felt so loved , in my life..
We went bowling to , and lemme just say i suck but yea got like 136 or something.
haha actually got 2 strikes in a row.. how?
beer? dunno lol
shes pretty amazing tho.. and i cant get enough of her.
So thats how my weekend was , i wouldnt have had it any other way.
I dont think we ever stop smiling for 4 days straight until i had to leave that is

but its amazing..
i like this feeling.
Haha, well lucky her.

yep, smiling at you!
Things are good on my end..nothing too extremely exciting..how about you?