This has some new pictures, so I suggest you read it...(Putting my new camera to use)
I got rid of my #1, she was a major distraction in my life the last couple months. I liked her but she was way too bi-polar for me. I have henceforth abolished the number-based likability index until further notice. Time to be free again, not that I was tied down before just a bit too invested in the situation for my liking.
But I feel great now, I was good before, but I feel reinvigorated. Now onto the update:
I finally got my bar put in the house, here are a few pics (Note: it's not fully stocked yet):
Me at the bar:
And some guest Bartenders:
Needless to say, things are coming together nicely! Now just need to get the stripper pole, but the roomy (whom I affectionately refer to as 'Hot Stripper Roommate) said she'd take care of it...
Speaking of Hot Stipper Roomy, she had a burlesque show. She worked real hard and the show was awesome, I'm so proud of her. She did a Rollerskating Burlesque number and another one involving body-paint and glitter. I took pictures but they all came out real blurry . I think her boyfriend took some so maybe I'll get some eventually, if not then next time...
Here's a picture of her at the apartment, to make up for it:
I also went to visit my mom, so I built a raging fire:
This is why I'm Hot! (Notice how big it gets...)
Living in the city, stuff like building huge-ass fires and sitting around them getting drunk with friends & family is a bit of a luxury. I enjoyed it quite a bit, still wouldn't want to live that far from the action, but it's a nice change of pace once in a while.
So, I've been steadily dieting and working-out for about 5 weeks now and I have noticed a big difference. I lost 23 pounds and have trimmed up nicely. I have another week and a half to go, but may continue afterwards as I'm enjoying myself. You may be asking why I am working out whe I'm already pretty sexy as is, but the answer is Jamaica.
Yes yes, I need to get in beach shape because I'm going for my birthday to Jamaica! Well I technically work on my birthday (April 13th, btw) but when I get back home I'm going to the beach. I'm taking the roomy and we're going to Hedonism II. I'm gonna sit my ass in the sand with a drink in my hand, soak up the sun and drink lots of rum, it shall be glorious.
Funny enough, I fly to Jamaica on 4/20, how awesome is that, it's like a sign from above guaranteeing me a good time!
Well that's about all for now, sorry for neglecting you for so long but I was having way too much fun at home to get online. If you've had a set go up in the last 2 weeks, let me know and I'll go comment.
Now I suppose I'll leave you with a few more pics of a now-slimmer, more svelte version of the twisted steel and sex appeal that is me...
How are you?