Lord have mercy on the current hell that is my life:
After a LONG night of drinking and beating the boys in darts I have come home from Scottie's to register for Summer classes (about four hours after the deadline) only to find my poor cat has eaten several unidentified bugs and has yaked up several loads of vomit onto the carpet, there are bugs parts everywhere. (It looks like vietnam, only with bugs and a very upset cat) I think he yaked because the apartment's pest control guy sprayed some junk a few days ago and I think this caused the poor thing to yak.
So anyway, what's new with you?
Oh, the boyfriend's car seems to be working again, which really bums me out because I wanted him to get a convertable to drive me around. I was SO CLOSE to convincing him to get a Spyder. THISCLOSE
What the hell is with the rain? It has been raining here for the past three days. I think it's the apocolyse. Which kinda makes me laugh because all the stupid sring breakers are in town in Y'bor. HA-HA. Although I hope that it isn't like this for MY friends next week when they come down from D.C. THAT would SUCK.
Ahh, yes. Now I have to write a huge paper and put together some crazy presentation on sex addiction. Can I just say that it is incredibly hard to write a paper about sex and not feel very horny? Lol.
What else, what else...Ah yes, mon amie Leslie got a KIT-TAY cat from the humane society yesterday. He's quite adorable. I took Tippy over there for a playdate but that did not go very well. <HISS> He's getting better and better on the leash, he even looks out the window like a doggie in the car. I think he was a dog in his past life. OK. That about covers it. I love you.
Dr. Sarah
After a LONG night of drinking and beating the boys in darts I have come home from Scottie's to register for Summer classes (about four hours after the deadline) only to find my poor cat has eaten several unidentified bugs and has yaked up several loads of vomit onto the carpet, there are bugs parts everywhere. (It looks like vietnam, only with bugs and a very upset cat) I think he yaked because the apartment's pest control guy sprayed some junk a few days ago and I think this caused the poor thing to yak.
So anyway, what's new with you?
Oh, the boyfriend's car seems to be working again, which really bums me out because I wanted him to get a convertable to drive me around. I was SO CLOSE to convincing him to get a Spyder. THISCLOSE
What the hell is with the rain? It has been raining here for the past three days. I think it's the apocolyse. Which kinda makes me laugh because all the stupid sring breakers are in town in Y'bor. HA-HA. Although I hope that it isn't like this for MY friends next week when they come down from D.C. THAT would SUCK.
Ahh, yes. Now I have to write a huge paper and put together some crazy presentation on sex addiction. Can I just say that it is incredibly hard to write a paper about sex and not feel very horny? Lol.
What else, what else...Ah yes, mon amie Leslie got a KIT-TAY cat from the humane society yesterday. He's quite adorable. I took Tippy over there for a playdate but that did not go very well. <HISS> He's getting better and better on the leash, he even looks out the window like a doggie in the car. I think he was a dog in his past life. OK. That about covers it. I love you.
Dr. Sarah