dangit! i get so caught up in watching batman the animated series i forget to sleep. the last episode i just watched was the introduction of a mr. edward nigma a.k.a. the riddler. i kinda remember racing home from school as a kid to make sure i heard the intro music of the cartoon. such an intelligently made cartoon =)
i was recently formerly told that i am going to be a god-mother! i knew that my dear friend and i would talk about it and there are many other qualified women for the position, but in my heart i really wanted it, and she announced to her family that it was me. i'm going to burst i'm so excited! yiiiiii!!!!!!!!!
my bunny, riddick, is now a smelly teenage boy according to his bunny life. his wolverine like bunny claws have left my hands scarred. i look like i've punched through a glass mirror. i want to share some new pics of him but my cell provider did something weird with the pics section for the site that i have to figure it out...bleh...i don't have time to understand it
my duck moose got attacked by a raccoon. i didn't see it but my brother did. he seems fine but he has a limp now. poor dude. he'll be okay. positive health wishes!!!.. (i've got pics of him in my album. he's the black duck)
sunshine and hugs for all of you!! and please smile for me! i love to know there is a smile on your wonderful faces!

i was recently formerly told that i am going to be a god-mother! i knew that my dear friend and i would talk about it and there are many other qualified women for the position, but in my heart i really wanted it, and she announced to her family that it was me. i'm going to burst i'm so excited! yiiiiii!!!!!!!!!
my bunny, riddick, is now a smelly teenage boy according to his bunny life. his wolverine like bunny claws have left my hands scarred. i look like i've punched through a glass mirror. i want to share some new pics of him but my cell provider did something weird with the pics section for the site that i have to figure it out...bleh...i don't have time to understand it
my duck moose got attacked by a raccoon. i didn't see it but my brother did. he seems fine but he has a limp now. poor dude. he'll be okay. positive health wishes!!!.. (i've got pics of him in my album. he's the black duck)
sunshine and hugs for all of you!! and please smile for me! i love to know there is a smile on your wonderful faces!

Thank you.
Thanks for the comment on my car. I'm just glad to have it back, I'm one of few that find a wagon sexy!