Tuesday May 31, 2005 May 31, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email America... FUCK YAH! VIEW 4 of 4 COMMENTS scrud: Liberty, FUCK YEAH! White Slips, FUCK YEAH! The Alamo, FUCK YEAH! Band-aids, FUCK YEAH! Las Vegas, FUCK YEAH! Christmas, FUCK YEAH! Immigrants, FUCK YEAH! Popeye, FUCK YEAH! Demarcates, FUCK YEAH! Republicans (republicans) (fuck yeah, fuck yeah) Sportsmanship Books May 31, 2005 taoshen: Coming to save the mutherfuckin' day, YEAH! Bed Bath & Beyond ... um, fuck yeah... May 31, 2005
White Slips, FUCK YEAH!
The Alamo, FUCK YEAH!
Band-aids, FUCK YEAH!
Las Vegas, FUCK YEAH!
Christmas, FUCK YEAH!
Immigrants, FUCK YEAH!
Popeye, FUCK YEAH!
Demarcates, FUCK YEAH!
Republicans (republicans)
(fuck yeah, fuck yeah)
Bed Bath & Beyond ... um, fuck yeah...