Why do I go through such phases? Sometimes I am the healthiest person and other times I feel like I can be a bit self destructive. It seems to be a teeter totter of life with me. I have to say drinking is mostly the culprit! Drinking since I have reached the tender age of 28, has no provided me with the most intense and cruel hang overs of my life. This doesn't even have to be from a large amount of alcohol....sometimes I get a huge hang over just from 2 drinks! sometimes from 1 if I drank the day before. UGH! I can't sleep well when I drink and yet, it's very hard for me to go out and just have 1 drink. Sometimes I just drink, and drink, and drink and this lack of self moderation leads to me doing things that are somewhat embarassing......ie. drunk myspacing messages that make no sense.... saying things to people that are a little fiesty.....
Last night I went dancing with friends from 12:30 at night to 4am and didn't drink a thing. It was great. I had amazing sex the night before with one of the sexiest Australians I have ever met, I did hot yoga, I ate a delicious salad and danced with no alcohol. I felt like a million bucks. Why can't I do this every day? Imagine how hot I could become and stay hot like Demi Moore who is 40 years old and looks like she is 28.
I need to wear a string on my finger with a little note that says.... remember how good you feel when you don't drink.
Last night I went dancing with friends from 12:30 at night to 4am and didn't drink a thing. It was great. I had amazing sex the night before with one of the sexiest Australians I have ever met, I did hot yoga, I ate a delicious salad and danced with no alcohol. I felt like a million bucks. Why can't I do this every day? Imagine how hot I could become and stay hot like Demi Moore who is 40 years old and looks like she is 28.
I need to wear a string on my finger with a little note that says.... remember how good you feel when you don't drink.

This is exactly me! I could actually have wrote of this blog. I'm gonna do that whole string on a finger thing... hell, I may just get it tattooed on instead - I'd only pull the string off
i am living proof you can go out and have tons of fun without drinking!