i could not be more relieved, elated, happy, excited and doing wonderfully. I woke up yesterday refreshed, and so happy. I love being single. I mean I love being in a relationship, don't get me wrong, its wonderful when its healthy and amazing. BUt I am REALLLLLLLLLLY happy to be single right now. I feel like a 160 lb weight has been lifted from my chest.. This recovery process is taking a lot quicker than I had ever hoped or imagined it would. I think I was going through more of a mourning and sad depressed state while I was in the relationship, than actually being out of it. I don't care if I see him, or talk to him, or anything for any amoutn of time. If I did run into him, great, I'd say hello and probably would give him a hug and have a five minute conversation and keep on walking. maybe we'll be good friends, but at this point, I am so focused on myself, the future, my career, my amazing friends. T hat I don't give a shit about anythign else right now.
There are so many amazing things going on in my life right now. All the passion for my job, my happienss for myself and my good qualities was put wayside to deal with stupid shit for the past four months. Toxic. No more toxicity anymore!
I am finally starting to feel like myself again, and I do not ever want to deal with similiar bullshit ever again. This has been one of the worst relationship experiences of my life, not just because of him which I could give a list of the things I loved and absolutely hate about him..., but mostly of because of the person I became with him... this has never happened before, it will never happen again.. and I am soooooooooooooooooooo happy.... that it is finally 125% over.
And Eric, you have been amazing. you have been fucking rad, endearing, supportive, sweet, understanding, and just a lovely person, a good friend, and it has been very fun getting to know you thus far, and I am excited to get to know you even farther.
The mediocre show tonight was rad. Check it out at www.mediocreshow.com if you check out episode 47 and up I am in all of them... HIlarious...the i love you/hate you segment was fucking awesome.
I feel like I should almost change my name, I feel so different.
No more monster. bye bye.
There are so many amazing things going on in my life right now. All the passion for my job, my happienss for myself and my good qualities was put wayside to deal with stupid shit for the past four months. Toxic. No more toxicity anymore!
I am finally starting to feel like myself again, and I do not ever want to deal with similiar bullshit ever again. This has been one of the worst relationship experiences of my life, not just because of him which I could give a list of the things I loved and absolutely hate about him..., but mostly of because of the person I became with him... this has never happened before, it will never happen again.. and I am soooooooooooooooooooo happy.... that it is finally 125% over.
And Eric, you have been amazing. you have been fucking rad, endearing, supportive, sweet, understanding, and just a lovely person, a good friend, and it has been very fun getting to know you thus far, and I am excited to get to know you even farther.
The mediocre show tonight was rad. Check it out at www.mediocreshow.com if you check out episode 47 and up I am in all of them... HIlarious...the i love you/hate you segment was fucking awesome.
I feel like I should almost change my name, I feel so different.
No more monster. bye bye.
YAY!!! for singleness
, Deffenitly sounds like you are better off out of that relationship and any relationship that ends up changeing you from who you are deffenitly are bad, *shakes pointy stick at all the bad things like that*, Good luck with everything else though, the best thing is that you are you again and don't ever change

Here's to being single and not feeling like you need to be in another relationship!