im a bit stressed and edgy lately..mainly because of arguing with my boyfriend over the dumbest shit ever..
anywho.. this guy at school who's constantly bugging the fuckin shit outta me, who i always tell to leave me alone, had to bug me again today, when i'm particularly not in the mood.. so i told him to fuck off.. then this other guy that happened to be in the classroom(this is during our breaktime), walks over and says to me "you're gonna grow up to be an old, lonely, miserable old woman, with nothing but cats to keep you company"..
thats when i proceeded to cry under the sheet that was pulled over me.
People have just been fuckin drop-kickin my feelings lately. My feelings' feelings are even kinda hurt. Jeesh. I sound super emo.
fuck it.
I need to find a good kick-boxing class to get out some of these issues built up inside.
oh, and ps-
i had another cheesedog with fries yestarday for lunch at work. I'm never eating another cheesedog for as long as i live..
You may be too young, but did you recall they used to make hotdogs and injected chili into middle of it? Yeah, they used to call it "FrankenStuff"
Ive wanted to get one ever since then, its a great way to releive your stress and frustrations!!!