my phys final went well...but i feel like i studied for a lot of stuff that was only asked once or twice, and stuff i didnt spend a lot of time on (pancreas stuff, etc), was all over the place
anywho, i did fairly well.
The anatomy final, i flew threw that bitch in about 10 minutes.
wanna know why? Because i had from 2pm(when phys final ended), until 515pm when the test was scheduled, to study. YUP. So i pretty much memorized every quiz i've ever had there.
*crosses fingers*
hopefully all goes well and no classes need to be re-taken.
my FUCKING arms are still itchy and really bugging the shit outta me, and i think i MAY have figured out why. I recently started taking a multivitamin, and a super b-complex vitamin...only problem is, i re-read the b vitamin label and theyre yeast and liver based with some other stuff. Maybe that's why my arms are going insane? my neck is sorta itchy too, but nowhere else like legs, stomach, etc.. weird.
ok, that's all for me. Time to go scratch my arms and surf the net.
my phys final went well...but i feel like i studied for a lot of stuff that was only asked once or twice, and stuff i didnt spend a lot of time on (pancreas stuff, etc), was all over the place

anywho, i did fairly well.
The anatomy final, i flew threw that bitch in about 10 minutes.

*crosses fingers*
hopefully all goes well and no classes need to be re-taken.
my FUCKING arms are still itchy and really bugging the shit outta me, and i think i MAY have figured out why. I recently started taking a multivitamin, and a super b-complex vitamin...only problem is, i re-read the b vitamin label and theyre yeast and liver based with some other stuff. Maybe that's why my arms are going insane? my neck is sorta itchy too, but nowhere else like legs, stomach, etc.. weird.
ok, that's all for me. Time to go scratch my arms and surf the net.