I can almost feel your disinterest in the trifling details of what I named after three hours of intense deliberation me. So Ill cut out the small talk to head straight to another waste of web-space on the information super galaxy cyber express highway.
Lets talk about me, ladies. Now, when I read about Mighty Morphin Power Rangers romance, I think "I can almost taste the irony," as opposed to "I can almost taste the idiocy" This is because I am a deep, emotional, caring creature with strong roots in love an, um, dirt. Of course, no stupid site would be complete without exceptionally shitty fan-fiction or an outright display that the author suffer from "too much time on your hands syndrome," so feel free to click and be whisked away to a world of wonder, whimsy, and, uh, whatever. Fuck you, man, its HARD to think of good things to say about this site.
Lets talk about me, ladies. Now, when I read about Mighty Morphin Power Rangers romance, I think "I can almost taste the irony," as opposed to "I can almost taste the idiocy" This is because I am a deep, emotional, caring creature with strong roots in love an, um, dirt. Of course, no stupid site would be complete without exceptionally shitty fan-fiction or an outright display that the author suffer from "too much time on your hands syndrome," so feel free to click and be whisked away to a world of wonder, whimsy, and, uh, whatever. Fuck you, man, its HARD to think of good things to say about this site.
i refuse to be tricked into clicking on your links anymore.

Hee hee...not ALL Finnish expressions are compressed in one word only...although generally Finnish does take less space, word-wise, than English.