SG is nothing but a big mean cock tease
This morning I realized that I would like to have sex with 90%+ of my friends list. Good, hot, wet, scratching and biting and hair pulling sex.
And if you are on my friends list that means I met you most likely from one of the adult groups so i know information only reserved for intimate committed relationships, ie: masturbation, anal, sexaholics, bdsm, group sex, etc.
I am reminded of high school and college where I was the innocent naive best friend of the hot girls. They would change their clothes in front of me, talk about the sex they just had or are going to get that weekend, and then leave me all hot and bothered
You girls post all your private sexual details, we get to see you naked, but in the end tease tease tease
OH, and in case you were wondering.... yes, I mean YOU!

This morning I realized that I would like to have sex with 90%+ of my friends list. Good, hot, wet, scratching and biting and hair pulling sex.
And if you are on my friends list that means I met you most likely from one of the adult groups so i know information only reserved for intimate committed relationships, ie: masturbation, anal, sexaholics, bdsm, group sex, etc.
I am reminded of high school and college where I was the innocent naive best friend of the hot girls. They would change their clothes in front of me, talk about the sex they just had or are going to get that weekend, and then leave me all hot and bothered

You girls post all your private sexual details, we get to see you naked, but in the end tease tease tease

OH, and in case you were wondering.... yes, I mean YOU!

And thanks for the offer. I will definitely keep it in mind, and may sometime take you up on it.