The flowers mean I'm sensitive.

I think I'm becoming a SG snob - I dont friend request people very often anymore if they arent part of any of the adult SG groups. And you ever notice how out of your friends list only a certain percentage regularly comment and the rest its like you dont even exist? I dont mind that as much as there are a few 'friends' that I always try to interact with by leaving a blog comment and I get a big nada in return.
Reminds me of all the times my mom use to leave me on the side of the interstate with a happy meal

I think I'm becoming a SG snob - I dont friend request people very often anymore if they arent part of any of the adult SG groups. And you ever notice how out of your friends list only a certain percentage regularly comment and the rest its like you dont even exist? I dont mind that as much as there are a few 'friends' that I always try to interact with by leaving a blog comment and I get a big nada in return.
Reminds me of all the times my mom use to leave me on the side of the interstate with a happy meal

I love your secret bunker...makes me jealous
every inch of you