I am going to continue to exploit my puppies and my lovely wife in an effort to keep my blog interesting to the two readers I have 
This blog I will try and cover a little bit of everything!
Lets start with a sex story:
Friday night we watched a DVD on Female Ejaculation and then we got to practice
My wife it turns out has a very easy to find G-Spot. Continued 'practice' will occur 
Now what everybody really wants... Bloodhound puppy pics:

and here is the best of two worlds. The very pretty wife with the puppies. Yes... this is intentionally exploitive.

Now this photo is for my pothead purist friends on here. Praesepe I am thinking of you love
Does this photo make me better looking? LOL Soma seeds, DJ Short and Sensi !!

and lastly this is for my zombie friends. One of my five combat shotguns for the ZPAW and anyone silly enough to threaten the women I love
I'm considering naming it Nik 

oh! One more 'guy' picture for my German and British SG friends. Thank you for making the best pellet guns in the world. Seriously! This is what $5000 worth of pellet guns look like. (pretty ridiculous huh?! )

This blog I will try and cover a little bit of everything!
Lets start with a sex story:
Friday night we watched a DVD on Female Ejaculation and then we got to practice

Now what everybody really wants... Bloodhound puppy pics:

and here is the best of two worlds. The very pretty wife with the puppies. Yes... this is intentionally exploitive.

Now this photo is for my pothead purist friends on here. Praesepe I am thinking of you love

and lastly this is for my zombie friends. One of my five combat shotguns for the ZPAW and anyone silly enough to threaten the women I love

oh! One more 'guy' picture for my German and British SG friends. Thank you for making the best pellet guns in the world. Seriously! This is what $5000 worth of pellet guns look like. (pretty ridiculous huh?! )

Updates please!
I think so too!