It is painfully obvious that my puppies are much more popular then I am 
I personally find Armageddon to be much more interesting, combined of course with some hot rough sex, but hey; this is a female dominated site so I am not beyond exploiting my puppies to make the target audience happy,
So here is my pretty girl sleeping with the pups:

and all the pictures are of them sleeping. Probably because when they are awake it is impossible to get any shots of them but I still wanted to prove that they actually do more then sleep:

and this is them calm, meaning they are about to go back to sleep:

And here are some random Bloodhound facts.
- They have more scent receptors then any other dog... by a lot!
- 17% of their brain is dedicated to smell compared to the 10% of other dogs
- their longs ears drag on the ground to kick up scent particles into their nose
- the extra skin on their face acts as a catch to help contain the scent particles
- they rank 72 out of 77 in terms of intelligence of dogs
And in some bad news/good news - my boss 'crashed' his helicopter on Sunday. I dont call it a crash because he had a controlled rough landing and it is good news cause everyone lived minus some broken bones and bad news cause of course... he crashed. This is the news story.

I personally find Armageddon to be much more interesting, combined of course with some hot rough sex, but hey; this is a female dominated site so I am not beyond exploiting my puppies to make the target audience happy,
So here is my pretty girl sleeping with the pups:

and all the pictures are of them sleeping. Probably because when they are awake it is impossible to get any shots of them but I still wanted to prove that they actually do more then sleep:

and this is them calm, meaning they are about to go back to sleep:

And here are some random Bloodhound facts.
- They have more scent receptors then any other dog... by a lot!
- 17% of their brain is dedicated to smell compared to the 10% of other dogs
- their longs ears drag on the ground to kick up scent particles into their nose
- the extra skin on their face acts as a catch to help contain the scent particles
- they rank 72 out of 77 in terms of intelligence of dogs

And in some bad news/good news - my boss 'crashed' his helicopter on Sunday. I dont call it a crash because he had a controlled rough landing and it is good news cause everyone lived minus some broken bones and bad news cause of course... he crashed. This is the news story.
Oh yea! And his truck was bad ass to as I was riding him, haha!
Maybe...but not in the immediate future. I've got another tattoo I want to get first, and I'm some ways off from being able to afford that one.