Day Five
When no one returned to house by the next morning I low crawled back to the vehicle and changed gear. I dropped the ghillie suit, grabbed the Smith and Wesson M&P AR, put on my .45 and mich helmet and switched to my combat kit of a plate carrier and a full load of magazine. I walked back to my overwatch position, careful to low crawl in the last hundred yards, and sat for a half an hour to make sure there had been no changes. There had not. There was still no one at the lodge as far as I can tell.
I circled back around to the back of the house and entered through an open door and cleared the house. I will spare the details since the house was indeed empty but with each room I cleared the extent of the luxury of the place was overwhelming. I felt like one of the young soldiers who cleared Saddam Palaces in the Iraq war. This was a five star hotel pretending to be a hunting lodge, or vice versa.
Curious to hear what was happening in the outside world I turned the plasma television on in the main room. A news channel instantly appeared, this time with evacuation locations scrolling on the bottom of the screen, and scenes of chaos and panic flashed across the main screen. Apparently more cities all across the country were having uncontrollable outbreaks and some metropolis areas were implementing evacuation procedures. The riots, or the infection, depending on what it was called on the news channel, had reached a point way past no return. There was massive panic, violence, death and exponential increase of the infection. The entire system seemed to be breaking down. News reports did their best to edit the violence that was being showed on television but every live video cast inevitably led to a scene of some poor person being eaten alive by a half dozen or more attackers. Police and military circled wagons or tried to hold the line on certain streets but report after report came of them falling back or being overrun.
At least there were bigger problems to worry about then my petty crime of breaking and entering.
I still had work to do. I locked all the doors of the house and placed large pieces of furniture in front them. The exception is the patio door which is located on the giant second floor deck. I could get on the deck only by climbing onto a decorative wall and leaping and catching the deck railing and pulling myself upwards. It didnt completely secure the house but it was the best I could do and would buy me time to escape if the occupants returned.

Walking back the Hummer I uncovered it from the now browning brush I had hidden it in and moved back onto the road. A quarter mile down the road I found the large street sign reading Three River Lodge next left. I grabbed the axe from the back of the H1 and chopped the sign down and then pulled it into the woods and concealed it. I did the same thing with the other sign coming from the opposite direction. I then drove a mile in each direction making sure there were no more signs telling of the lodge location.
This leads to the previous story of the first time I ever encountered a zombie.
When no one returned to house by the next morning I low crawled back to the vehicle and changed gear. I dropped the ghillie suit, grabbed the Smith and Wesson M&P AR, put on my .45 and mich helmet and switched to my combat kit of a plate carrier and a full load of magazine. I walked back to my overwatch position, careful to low crawl in the last hundred yards, and sat for a half an hour to make sure there had been no changes. There had not. There was still no one at the lodge as far as I can tell.
I circled back around to the back of the house and entered through an open door and cleared the house. I will spare the details since the house was indeed empty but with each room I cleared the extent of the luxury of the place was overwhelming. I felt like one of the young soldiers who cleared Saddam Palaces in the Iraq war. This was a five star hotel pretending to be a hunting lodge, or vice versa.
Curious to hear what was happening in the outside world I turned the plasma television on in the main room. A news channel instantly appeared, this time with evacuation locations scrolling on the bottom of the screen, and scenes of chaos and panic flashed across the main screen. Apparently more cities all across the country were having uncontrollable outbreaks and some metropolis areas were implementing evacuation procedures. The riots, or the infection, depending on what it was called on the news channel, had reached a point way past no return. There was massive panic, violence, death and exponential increase of the infection. The entire system seemed to be breaking down. News reports did their best to edit the violence that was being showed on television but every live video cast inevitably led to a scene of some poor person being eaten alive by a half dozen or more attackers. Police and military circled wagons or tried to hold the line on certain streets but report after report came of them falling back or being overrun.
At least there were bigger problems to worry about then my petty crime of breaking and entering.
I still had work to do. I locked all the doors of the house and placed large pieces of furniture in front them. The exception is the patio door which is located on the giant second floor deck. I could get on the deck only by climbing onto a decorative wall and leaping and catching the deck railing and pulling myself upwards. It didnt completely secure the house but it was the best I could do and would buy me time to escape if the occupants returned.

Walking back the Hummer I uncovered it from the now browning brush I had hidden it in and moved back onto the road. A quarter mile down the road I found the large street sign reading Three River Lodge next left. I grabbed the axe from the back of the H1 and chopped the sign down and then pulled it into the woods and concealed it. I did the same thing with the other sign coming from the opposite direction. I then drove a mile in each direction making sure there were no more signs telling of the lodge location.
This leads to the previous story of the first time I ever encountered a zombie.
Thanks for the positive feedback on my set "Pyroerotica", it was sweet of you <3!