Ill finish telling about the day I captured my altgirl harem. Luckily none of the girls are that big but still trying to put four of them into the H1 made for crowded conditions. You can always fit one more person when comfort can be sacrificed for survival. The difference is this time I was crammed tight with a bunch of beautiful young women and not smelly soldiers. Besides; I had the drivers seat so I had plenty of room.
I returned across country as much as possible taking advantage of the capabilities of my vehicle and weighing the risk of getting stuck. We would pop on and off smaller roads when we had to and crossed farm fields and open areas at other times. Im thankful the area was dry and that it hadnt rained for if the ground was muddy it would have forced us onto the pavement a lot more. There were already more zombies moving around this afternoon then just this morning the infection was obviously spreading at an alarming rate. I wonder how many people are going to be left alive even by tomorrow.
Three miles from the turn off I pulled onto the country highway and started slowly moving into the outskirts of town. I would never intentionally go into a populated area but I was looking for something specific. I needed to make a dramatic display of dominance on my new captives.
I drove slowly, cautiously passing by a few houses on the side of the road. Only six or seven houses passed before I knew what was coming. Up on the left was a two story family home that looked like a nice home occupied by a decent family except that the front door was wide open and in the driveway was their car with the drivers side door wide open. We slowly kept driving ahead and just as I was starting to wonder where the house occupants were, out came running an old man , maybe in his seventies, with his mouth all bloody and his short torn off his chest showing us missing flesh in his upper arms and shoulders. Behind him , an elderly lady, what must have been his wife, also followed. I have no idea if he attacked her or she was the one that attacked him. It didnt really matter as they charged full speed into the hummer both of them intent on attacking and eating us.
I hit the brakes and let their attack on the vehicle continue.
I turned in me seat and faced the girls; If you girls are coming with me that means I own you. You are my slaves. You will have to do everything I tell you to do. And I mean everything. Do you understand what Im saying?
The elder zombies continued pounding on the vehicle trying to get to us. Their hatred intensified as they franticly hit on the windows and doors. I am relieved they were old people zombies and not some weight lifters in the previous living life. The girls were petrified. What the fuck are you talking about one of them yelled at me at the same time another screamed Fuck you and another yelled Drive!. I continued to look at them, not paying attention to the outside attack, the truck still motionless. Another zombie came from god knows where, ran and jumped on the hood of the truck. He was trying to claw his way in through the front windshield his blood and ooze from his wounds were covering the windshield. I heard another new zombie start smashing my door on the drivers side.
This was getting bad!
The attack on my door was ferocious and I turned to see a zombie in his late twenties wearing the tattered remains of a polo shirt and no pants. A bizarre sight in itself but with everything else I have seen in the past few weeks it was no less surprising. I turned the wheel to the right and reversed, the front left tire caught my naked attacker, pulled him down and I continued backwards crushing his pelvis and femurs and trapping him under the front tire. I could still hear him pounding at the tire trying to get to us.
The girls were screaming at me to drive, to get the heck out of there, that we needed to leave. They were rightfully scared and panicking.
I repeated myself, This is your only chance to say no. If you come with me I own you. You are going to be mine to do with as I please. The red head in the passenger seat started yelling again What the fuck is your problem get us out of here.
I responded by slapping her, hard, across the face. The entire vehicle went silent in shock, myself feeling just as surprised. Red just stared at me holding her cheek already bright from the slap mark.
I tell you girls what to do from now on., I continued, Either choose to be mine or get out. Those are your only choices. I calmy spoke over the sound of the increasing number of undead smashing at the car.
The girls were silent in shock. A couple of them started crying. The dead bastards were all over us. Three more seconds and I was driving away no matter what. My bluff would be over. In my head I counted, Three. Two I was going to have to drive away just to survive
Please just get us out of here. Well do whatever you want a soft, troubled but still strong, feminine voice answered from behind me.
I took my foot off the brake and got the hell out of there. The zombie standing on the hood of the H1 fell forward and somehow got his leg caught in the front bumper guard. One of those weird happenings that if you tried to do it intentionally it would never happen. The back left tire rolled over my pantless zombie as we sped off towards the cabin, leaving the dead chasing behind, carrying one with us in the front of the car as some sort of sick flailing hood ornament. A half mile before the turn off I pulled the H1 over and dispatched our hood ornament with my Wilson Combat .45 CQB.
Untangling him took a lot longer then shooting him and by the time I was kicking his second time dead corpse into the ditch I was starting to worry about others zombies attracted to the sound of the gunshot.
I got back in the Hummer, avoiding eye contact with my beautiful captives. A half mile later I was pulling the concertina wire out of the way from the single trail bypass I had cut into the wood line. We made it. I went out today seeing what I could find for supplies and I returned with four hot, young, beautiful slave girls.
I returned across country as much as possible taking advantage of the capabilities of my vehicle and weighing the risk of getting stuck. We would pop on and off smaller roads when we had to and crossed farm fields and open areas at other times. Im thankful the area was dry and that it hadnt rained for if the ground was muddy it would have forced us onto the pavement a lot more. There were already more zombies moving around this afternoon then just this morning the infection was obviously spreading at an alarming rate. I wonder how many people are going to be left alive even by tomorrow.
Three miles from the turn off I pulled onto the country highway and started slowly moving into the outskirts of town. I would never intentionally go into a populated area but I was looking for something specific. I needed to make a dramatic display of dominance on my new captives.
I drove slowly, cautiously passing by a few houses on the side of the road. Only six or seven houses passed before I knew what was coming. Up on the left was a two story family home that looked like a nice home occupied by a decent family except that the front door was wide open and in the driveway was their car with the drivers side door wide open. We slowly kept driving ahead and just as I was starting to wonder where the house occupants were, out came running an old man , maybe in his seventies, with his mouth all bloody and his short torn off his chest showing us missing flesh in his upper arms and shoulders. Behind him , an elderly lady, what must have been his wife, also followed. I have no idea if he attacked her or she was the one that attacked him. It didnt really matter as they charged full speed into the hummer both of them intent on attacking and eating us.
I hit the brakes and let their attack on the vehicle continue.
I turned in me seat and faced the girls; If you girls are coming with me that means I own you. You are my slaves. You will have to do everything I tell you to do. And I mean everything. Do you understand what Im saying?
The elder zombies continued pounding on the vehicle trying to get to us. Their hatred intensified as they franticly hit on the windows and doors. I am relieved they were old people zombies and not some weight lifters in the previous living life. The girls were petrified. What the fuck are you talking about one of them yelled at me at the same time another screamed Fuck you and another yelled Drive!. I continued to look at them, not paying attention to the outside attack, the truck still motionless. Another zombie came from god knows where, ran and jumped on the hood of the truck. He was trying to claw his way in through the front windshield his blood and ooze from his wounds were covering the windshield. I heard another new zombie start smashing my door on the drivers side.
This was getting bad!
The attack on my door was ferocious and I turned to see a zombie in his late twenties wearing the tattered remains of a polo shirt and no pants. A bizarre sight in itself but with everything else I have seen in the past few weeks it was no less surprising. I turned the wheel to the right and reversed, the front left tire caught my naked attacker, pulled him down and I continued backwards crushing his pelvis and femurs and trapping him under the front tire. I could still hear him pounding at the tire trying to get to us.
The girls were screaming at me to drive, to get the heck out of there, that we needed to leave. They were rightfully scared and panicking.
I repeated myself, This is your only chance to say no. If you come with me I own you. You are going to be mine to do with as I please. The red head in the passenger seat started yelling again What the fuck is your problem get us out of here.
I responded by slapping her, hard, across the face. The entire vehicle went silent in shock, myself feeling just as surprised. Red just stared at me holding her cheek already bright from the slap mark.
I tell you girls what to do from now on., I continued, Either choose to be mine or get out. Those are your only choices. I calmy spoke over the sound of the increasing number of undead smashing at the car.
The girls were silent in shock. A couple of them started crying. The dead bastards were all over us. Three more seconds and I was driving away no matter what. My bluff would be over. In my head I counted, Three. Two I was going to have to drive away just to survive
Please just get us out of here. Well do whatever you want a soft, troubled but still strong, feminine voice answered from behind me.
I took my foot off the brake and got the hell out of there. The zombie standing on the hood of the H1 fell forward and somehow got his leg caught in the front bumper guard. One of those weird happenings that if you tried to do it intentionally it would never happen. The back left tire rolled over my pantless zombie as we sped off towards the cabin, leaving the dead chasing behind, carrying one with us in the front of the car as some sort of sick flailing hood ornament. A half mile before the turn off I pulled the H1 over and dispatched our hood ornament with my Wilson Combat .45 CQB.
Untangling him took a lot longer then shooting him and by the time I was kicking his second time dead corpse into the ditch I was starting to worry about others zombies attracted to the sound of the gunshot.
I got back in the Hummer, avoiding eye contact with my beautiful captives. A half mile later I was pulling the concertina wire out of the way from the single trail bypass I had cut into the wood line. We made it. I went out today seeing what I could find for supplies and I returned with four hot, young, beautiful slave girls.