My story starts sometime in the great panic, past the point of no return, when it was obvious that the zombie plague had multiplied well past containment and fear was the new holocaust.
I apologize now for constantly switching between present and past tense as when much of what was written was in my own personal journal I kept during these days. I never intended to post to the Survivors Guide. SG didnt even exist in these early days. Some comments I will add as I remember them and, much simpler, I will cut and paste what I had written previously:
This afternoon I was at an overwatch position of the country highway. I wanted to observe the chaos, see if anything interesting and salvageable was coming into the AO (Area of Operations) and to do some forward reconnaissance of where the undead were located. I accomplished all three objectives in one incident.
I had been in position for less then an hour. There was a steady flow of escaping refugees (?) Im not sure what to call them. Refugees, civilians? maybe I should just call them the living for now on.) A new vehicle drove past every minute or two. The irony is they were going in both directions. Some were headed east, others headed west. People escaping in each direction but neither knowing where they were trying to escape too. At least they were all living. So far.
A multi passenger van coming out of the west wasnt doing very well. It was going slow, its front end was smashed up pretty bad from what I can only imagine was crashing its way through some vehicles or people or both. Steam was coming out from under the hood, the windshield was smashed up and there appeared to be blood stains on the badly mauled bumper and hood. In front of me, right on queue, the front axle broke and the van swerved into the ditch on the side of the road. And here is where it gets interesting. Five people exist the van all of them young females.
I have seen a lot in the past month but seeing five attractive girls pile out of a van is still plenty enough to peak my interest. They were standing around the van trying to figure out what to do next when a zombie came down the road in the same direction they just came from. I dont know where he popped out from but he was a Fast Mover running at full speed towards the girls and as of yet they still hadnt seen it.
As quick as I could I pulled the Noveske .308 out of the back of my H1 but I knew I wasnt going to make it in time. I still had it packed in the pelican case, big mistake, and the Runner was moving fast. Even if I was ready it still would have been a 300 yard head shot at a running lateral target. Im not that good; I had little chance of making the shot. I could hear the girls start screaming as I popped open the latches of the pelican case. By the time I set up with the rifle propped up over the rear of the H1 one of the girls was already flailing on the ground being eaten alive. The zombie must have hit her at full speed tackling her down. He was already feeding. He reminded me of bear eating a moose kill the way he was laying on top of her body, eating as fast as he can, protecting his meal from some yet unseen rival intent on taking his kill from him. At 10x power the scene was a little too graphic for my liking but at least he wasnt a running shot anymore and my SR is zeroed at 300. I aimed at his head, fired, and he dropped where he was lying. I put a bullet in the skull of the poor girl, partly to put her out of her misery, but also just in case she decided to reanimate and start looking for her own meal.
The rest of the girls heard my gunshots and saw me, like a fool, standing straight up on the back of my vehicle. If I had been in the prone like I should have been, or maybe even just firing from the hood of the hummer, they probably never would have seen me. But they did and before I knew it I had four beautiful girls right in front of me just looking at me expecting me to do something. I didnt know what to say and they obviously didnt either. We just looked at each other for a very long awkward moment. I can imagine what they saw when they looked at me. Some guy in fatigues and body armor, full kit, assault rifle in hand, a civilian H1. I either looked like a nutjob, somebody official or the kind of friend you would want in a zombie apocalypse.
Four girls, the oldest whom couldnt have been more then 25, all incredibly attractive . They could be models if it wasnt for the tattoos or piercings that most of them had. Their stylish clothes looked even more out of place then my crye precision multicam fatigues. I only assumed they are an all female alternative band. Ill have to ask them later.
Down on the road I saw another zombie starting to walk towards the van and the bodies. As always with zombies, where there is one there are a whole lot more nearby. I remember looking back at the girls and doing the math in my head. Four more people means four times the supplies. Four more liabilities. Four more chances to get killed. And they had nothing to offer my survival, except, christ they are good looking! These girls are beautiful. Perfect bodies, shapely tight asses, tight clothing over firm youthful breasts, soft perfect skin showing from their shorts and skirts, midriffs, navels, necklines, faces that ranged from drop dead adorable to breathtakingly beautiful.
Three more deadheads had appeared on the road.
I remember looking at the dark haired girl up and down. I looked at her so hungrily I could have been a zombie myself. I glanced back at the Hummer, If you come with me you have to do everything I say and desire! I warned them.
They didnt even hesitate when they agreed.
They will soon find out they have no idea what they are getting into, because I ensure you I do mean everything I desire.
I apologize now for constantly switching between present and past tense as when much of what was written was in my own personal journal I kept during these days. I never intended to post to the Survivors Guide. SG didnt even exist in these early days. Some comments I will add as I remember them and, much simpler, I will cut and paste what I had written previously:
This afternoon I was at an overwatch position of the country highway. I wanted to observe the chaos, see if anything interesting and salvageable was coming into the AO (Area of Operations) and to do some forward reconnaissance of where the undead were located. I accomplished all three objectives in one incident.
I had been in position for less then an hour. There was a steady flow of escaping refugees (?) Im not sure what to call them. Refugees, civilians? maybe I should just call them the living for now on.) A new vehicle drove past every minute or two. The irony is they were going in both directions. Some were headed east, others headed west. People escaping in each direction but neither knowing where they were trying to escape too. At least they were all living. So far.
A multi passenger van coming out of the west wasnt doing very well. It was going slow, its front end was smashed up pretty bad from what I can only imagine was crashing its way through some vehicles or people or both. Steam was coming out from under the hood, the windshield was smashed up and there appeared to be blood stains on the badly mauled bumper and hood. In front of me, right on queue, the front axle broke and the van swerved into the ditch on the side of the road. And here is where it gets interesting. Five people exist the van all of them young females.
I have seen a lot in the past month but seeing five attractive girls pile out of a van is still plenty enough to peak my interest. They were standing around the van trying to figure out what to do next when a zombie came down the road in the same direction they just came from. I dont know where he popped out from but he was a Fast Mover running at full speed towards the girls and as of yet they still hadnt seen it.
As quick as I could I pulled the Noveske .308 out of the back of my H1 but I knew I wasnt going to make it in time. I still had it packed in the pelican case, big mistake, and the Runner was moving fast. Even if I was ready it still would have been a 300 yard head shot at a running lateral target. Im not that good; I had little chance of making the shot. I could hear the girls start screaming as I popped open the latches of the pelican case. By the time I set up with the rifle propped up over the rear of the H1 one of the girls was already flailing on the ground being eaten alive. The zombie must have hit her at full speed tackling her down. He was already feeding. He reminded me of bear eating a moose kill the way he was laying on top of her body, eating as fast as he can, protecting his meal from some yet unseen rival intent on taking his kill from him. At 10x power the scene was a little too graphic for my liking but at least he wasnt a running shot anymore and my SR is zeroed at 300. I aimed at his head, fired, and he dropped where he was lying. I put a bullet in the skull of the poor girl, partly to put her out of her misery, but also just in case she decided to reanimate and start looking for her own meal.
The rest of the girls heard my gunshots and saw me, like a fool, standing straight up on the back of my vehicle. If I had been in the prone like I should have been, or maybe even just firing from the hood of the hummer, they probably never would have seen me. But they did and before I knew it I had four beautiful girls right in front of me just looking at me expecting me to do something. I didnt know what to say and they obviously didnt either. We just looked at each other for a very long awkward moment. I can imagine what they saw when they looked at me. Some guy in fatigues and body armor, full kit, assault rifle in hand, a civilian H1. I either looked like a nutjob, somebody official or the kind of friend you would want in a zombie apocalypse.
Four girls, the oldest whom couldnt have been more then 25, all incredibly attractive . They could be models if it wasnt for the tattoos or piercings that most of them had. Their stylish clothes looked even more out of place then my crye precision multicam fatigues. I only assumed they are an all female alternative band. Ill have to ask them later.
Down on the road I saw another zombie starting to walk towards the van and the bodies. As always with zombies, where there is one there are a whole lot more nearby. I remember looking back at the girls and doing the math in my head. Four more people means four times the supplies. Four more liabilities. Four more chances to get killed. And they had nothing to offer my survival, except, christ they are good looking! These girls are beautiful. Perfect bodies, shapely tight asses, tight clothing over firm youthful breasts, soft perfect skin showing from their shorts and skirts, midriffs, navels, necklines, faces that ranged from drop dead adorable to breathtakingly beautiful.
Three more deadheads had appeared on the road.
I remember looking at the dark haired girl up and down. I looked at her so hungrily I could have been a zombie myself. I glanced back at the Hummer, If you come with me you have to do everything I say and desire! I warned them.
They didnt even hesitate when they agreed.
They will soon find out they have no idea what they are getting into, because I ensure you I do mean everything I desire.