I've been feeling this uneasiness for several weeks.
I finished my last quarter of classes after attacking it with a vengeance. I'd prefer A's or better, but I've been consistently getting B+ in my lab classes and usually A to A+ in class-oriented subjects, so I'm doing okay. One B was my lowest grade so far. Curse you Stick 2!
The anxiety set in after the last quarter ended. I blamed the fact that I was less active while I waited for new classes to start. Classes sort of started last Thursday. Just had an intro to the fabrication and repair class. The instructor was ill, so he cut it short. Today, I went in and was about to tackle the advanced OA and plasma. I got the lab sheet and saw it had a lot of studying to do ahead of time. I handled one worksheet, turned it in and they graded it on the spot. Got a 100%, then decided to go ahead and head home to continue. I got the rest done. I found statistics for various plasma setting for the labs and laid out the settings on the lab sheet. All ready to start cutting metal.
So... I should be calm and steady, but I'm not. I always do this. I am an intellectual, but I've never really been blessed with a ton of coordination and physical skill. I get things, but it takes a lot of effort for me to get all the variables... angles, speed, etc., to come together. Until I start the first lab, I am just about always uneasy. So that's me. Uneasy.
Because as I said, I always do this, I know it will get better.... but for tonight, the nerves are frayed.
That's all.... the end.