im officialy nineteen ><
call me Poison Ivy !
call me Poison Ivy !

Happy belated birthday...Je suis heureux d'avoir un nouvel ami et esprons que votre tous vos dsirs sont devenus ralit!

Merci beacoup! Belle fille parce-que tu m'a domande l'amitie! (sorry about my French), but it seems that your English is so good!. Thanks. I have some friends in Europe, but not in France. Then, you are my first French friend. I celebrate it! Good! I'm a very sincere kind of person, and I like to talk always from my heart, then my friendship is real. You can asked to myself whatever you want to know about me. Now we are friends! I'm very interested on having a cultural exchange, with out any intention other than to creating and preserving long term an good friendships Even that my knowledge about France and French people and culture is a kind of limited. I am so interested on learning, language,customs, art including paint, film, theater, poetry... everything!!! And obviously something about you, that yourself are eager to share with me ( it is important you to know that I'm very respectful person of all my friends privacy and wishes. Then, don't hesitate to talk to me directly, and let me know about what you want. I have a very opened mind and heart. You are having my love as the same way that all my friends have it !!! I wish the best things happened to you and all the beautiful people that you love. Thanks again, and good luck on all your projects that can make you very... very Happy! Have a Great Life. Lots Of Love. From Ricardiux.