Nah it's cool, I don't mind random adds, tbh I don't use SG as much as I probably should aha so more random adds I get the more I'm likely to use it Yeah, big Avenged fan, City of Evil pretty much changed my life aha thanks babe
Haha that's rare someone on here not using it alot
Have you managed to see them this past week or so? I saw the first Manchester gig last wednesday and it was amazing, heart breaking and amazing at the same time, I mean Jimmy was amazing and he's sorely missed but Mike Portnoy is doing a great job filling his shoes.
Have you managed to see them this past week or so? I saw the first Manchester gig last wednesday and it was amazing, heart breaking and amazing at the same time, I mean Jimmy was amazing and he's sorely missed but Mike Portnoy is doing a great job filling his shoes.