It is a beautiful Saturday - the sun is out and I actually went outside in a singlet which I have done maybe twice since April. I have a beer beside me and later on I will most likely consume many more as I'm going to a bit of a farewell shindig for a colleague. I got out of bed this morning and decided not to do the usual weekend thing of getting around in my tights & hoodie, with my hair all a mess and no makeup. I am still digging my new fringe so I styled it up, curled the rest and voila!
Also please note awesome new shirt I'm wearing in that photo, well you can't see it very well but I love it, it's a bit Western but not really.
I don't really have much new news (aside of the job stuff which I already posted about). And I'd love to add a whole bunch of new pictures but I haven't taken many lately. Well other than stupid ones of myself for shits and giggles.
I need some new music as I lost heaps of stuff from my iPhone when we got our new laptop, and it's taking forever to build it back up. I am not overly fussy when it comes to music, provided it is not country or ska I will give it a go. So any suggestions (whether they be based on the music listed in my interests, or just random) would be appreciated! I just really need something different to listen to. That said, I still have PATD's Vices & Virtues & Bayside's Killing TIme on ridiculously high rotation, I just can't get enough of them.
Well I'll leave this one here, I see a beer that needs drinking!

Also please note awesome new shirt I'm wearing in that photo, well you can't see it very well but I love it, it's a bit Western but not really.
I don't really have much new news (aside of the job stuff which I already posted about). And I'd love to add a whole bunch of new pictures but I haven't taken many lately. Well other than stupid ones of myself for shits and giggles.
I need some new music as I lost heaps of stuff from my iPhone when we got our new laptop, and it's taking forever to build it back up. I am not overly fussy when it comes to music, provided it is not country or ska I will give it a go. So any suggestions (whether they be based on the music listed in my interests, or just random) would be appreciated! I just really need something different to listen to. That said, I still have PATD's Vices & Virtues & Bayside's Killing TIme on ridiculously high rotation, I just can't get enough of them.
Well I'll leave this one here, I see a beer that needs drinking!

You can come with me on my travels if you want!