"hello darkness my old friend"
so about three weeks ago i was putting together some heavy ass wooden closets. heres a tiny tip for anyone who reads this: if you are putting together anything thats heavy and has lots of sharp razor like edges i recommend not being barefoot unless you want to risk losing one of your toes.
i got this thing about being barefoot. i've been told it's the hawaiian in me (just one of my many bloods) either that or i think socks are for pussies. regardless i was putting together this wooden beast when half of a cabinet slammed down on my big toe. it made a clean barbarian cut right on the borderline of my nail and gushed a good supply of the redness.
anyway it's healing up but got a bit infected (ugh) so i'm taking these foul little red pills to clean that up. they remind me of cyanide pills you'd see in retro spy flicks but i'm pretty sure those never smelt like a burning dead walrus.
so about three weeks ago i was putting together some heavy ass wooden closets. heres a tiny tip for anyone who reads this: if you are putting together anything thats heavy and has lots of sharp razor like edges i recommend not being barefoot unless you want to risk losing one of your toes.
i got this thing about being barefoot. i've been told it's the hawaiian in me (just one of my many bloods) either that or i think socks are for pussies. regardless i was putting together this wooden beast when half of a cabinet slammed down on my big toe. it made a clean barbarian cut right on the borderline of my nail and gushed a good supply of the redness.
anyway it's healing up but got a bit infected (ugh) so i'm taking these foul little red pills to clean that up. they remind me of cyanide pills you'd see in retro spy flicks but i'm pretty sure those never smelt like a burning dead walrus.