The wedding extravaganza weekend is here. I'm the lei girl and somehow it was necessary to include me in every detail. Tonight I have rehearsal dinner followed by a pretend bachelorette party. It's pretend because the brides mom, older aunts and bible thumping sister are going. I'm some fun can be had for the brides sake as well as mine. I put a picture of her in my misc folder so now everyone can see who rolling pin is. She took it upon herself to arrange a date for me with one of our vendors after telling me I can't bring a date. Today her assignment is to call said vendor and tell him he can't go. If I can't bring who I want to then I'm not being set up either. Sunday is the big day, forecast is for 95 degrees and thunderstorms. Did I mention it's an outdoor beach wedding with no chairs or canopies.
Enought whining. It's Friday. Be happy. Have fun. Spanks all around. Pictures maybe on Monday.
Serenity now. The families are invading my office for the rehearsal dinner. I would like to take this opportunity to yell Fixt Dich Oshlafs. (I know I did not spell that right)
Enought whining. It's Friday. Be happy. Have fun. Spanks all around. Pictures maybe on Monday.
Serenity now. The families are invading my office for the rehearsal dinner. I would like to take this opportunity to yell Fixt Dich Oshlafs. (I know I did not spell that right)
that's going to be a thoroughly miserable fake bachelorette party. you are one highly tolerant individual. i wish you a very peaceful weekend following it. and some unexpectedly funny bits in the midst.
Will be in touch. Have a great weekend my dear.