Woke up this morning listening to Tom Waits "I'd sell your soul for a buck, for a buck Misery's the rhythm of the world, misery's the rhythm of the world" His voice is so scary, I love it. It is absolutely raining buckets this morning - my car almost floated away on the way to work. Think I feel a migraine coming on wink wink, and need to go home. It would be a great day to lounge in listening and smelling the rain and reading. I'm reading this great book Bleachy Haired Honky Bitch by Hollis Gillespie. I love it, it's her memoir and it makes me think of my memoir I've been carrying around in my head for several years now - confessions from a catholic school girls notebook. I have so many sad school stories growing up and moving around alot and I would like to write about them. Like the time I was spanked by the principal for forgetting my homework in 3 rd grade. If you wonderful people were to write your memoir what would it be called? Hope I make it home to bedland soon with a giant cuppa chai Good day!
I have been trying to get Kiki to start wriitng some of her life experiences down on paper for a while now. I think everyone should do that in one form or another.