Nothing like feeling like you had the wind knocked out of you upon coming home from vacation. Things have been a bit strained in the Wallace/Boccabello household with the arrival of baby girl Ponyo, the guys job situation (Maryland isnt so good for custom homes these days) Took a nice vacation to the beach with my sister and family sans the guy only to come home and see that he has been on the Ashley Madison site or whatever it's called. Guys, stating that you are only using the free account and can't even message people is NOT a valid excuse. And shouldn't you clear the history BEFORE your SO comes home? So needless to say this is the straw breaking vinyle's back and I'm ready to throw in the towel. I limited my activity on this site out of respect for the guy. Silly me. Even better to see that new pics on the guys profile on the AM site are pics taken only a couple of months ago. Wow. How to process this?
So it looks like I may be starting over again in the very near future. Perhaps I'll choose more wisely the next time around? End rant. Thanks for allowing me to vent.

So it looks like I may be starting over again in the very near future. Perhaps I'll choose more wisely the next time around? End rant. Thanks for allowing me to vent.

I hope things work out for the best for you. Whatever that may be. That's some bullshit right there.