Yay Friday! Pizza and Dispicable me with my handsome child tonight then checking out the guy's band at the 930 club tomorrow. DC area people - go to the 930 Club tomorrow - see the Pietasters and more importantly Copstabber!
More Blogs
Thursday Jun 22, 2006
Be sure to stop by SGDC and support my sister - Laceyglove and good f… -
Wednesday Jun 07, 2006
So this entry comes to you courtesy of the borrowed wireless connecti… -
Sunday May 14, 2006
Wow! So I spent this weekend sick with the rest of my familia. Fee… -
Monday May 08, 2006
Lookin' for another job. I think that the Nazi is more like Grendel.… -
Tuesday May 02, 2006
It never fails, every day off I get the call from work. Yeah, so I'm… -
Tuesday Apr 11, 2006
I'm still deciding what to do with regards to continuing my membershi… -
Saturday Apr 01, 2006
They've taken me lucky charms and I think it's for good this time. S… -
Monday Mar 20, 2006
Hi! St. Patricks picture fun in my folder. Now I have to hunt down … -
Saturday Mar 18, 2006
Had a very enjoyable St. Patricks last night with mallenfoto, laceygl… -
Sunday Mar 12, 2006
So I didn't see the scary movie. Best 3 out of 5 on the coin toss su…
But well worth it.
How are you?