Is anybody going to Bonnaroo? I have friends trying to convince me and the guy that we absolutely must go. Sounds like fun - but I don't know if a girly girl can hack it.
I'm work free for 3 days! Yippee! Whatever will I do?
Had a great weekend. It was the guys birthday on Friday so I took him to Al tiramisu for cozy Italian dinner. I highly recommend it there. Funny thing - the waiters there are all Italian - look it speak it. My guy, Mr. Frank Zappa looks Italian/Greek, has a very Italian last name - 4 vowels and all, but doesn't speak a word of either Italian or greek. The waiter didn't seem to think his pronounciation of the appetizers was satisfactory and turned to me the rest of the evening when it came to order. He didn't think that was funny. It's like me and German though - my grandparents spoke it, but I don't know a word. After dinner we headed to Asylum for many drinks followed yb the Black Cat and the Rock and Roll hotel. Late night/early morning (I actually saw the sunrise) and I'm gettin to old for it I think. Horrible hangover and 2 days to catch up on sleep. Good fun though, good times
It's hump day! Say hello to my little sister Laceyglove. She is back from hiatus after a kind hearted soul reupped her membership.
I'm work free for 3 days! Yippee! Whatever will I do?
Had a great weekend. It was the guys birthday on Friday so I took him to Al tiramisu for cozy Italian dinner. I highly recommend it there. Funny thing - the waiters there are all Italian - look it speak it. My guy, Mr. Frank Zappa looks Italian/Greek, has a very Italian last name - 4 vowels and all, but doesn't speak a word of either Italian or greek. The waiter didn't seem to think his pronounciation of the appetizers was satisfactory and turned to me the rest of the evening when it came to order. He didn't think that was funny. It's like me and German though - my grandparents spoke it, but I don't know a word. After dinner we headed to Asylum for many drinks followed yb the Black Cat and the Rock and Roll hotel. Late night/early morning (I actually saw the sunrise) and I'm gettin to old for it I think. Horrible hangover and 2 days to catch up on sleep. Good fun though, good times
It's hump day! Say hello to my little sister Laceyglove. She is back from hiatus after a kind hearted soul reupped her membership.
Hello dear sissy!

I agree hangovers tend to get harded with need a butt load of more recup time
As far as Bonnaroo....yeah I couldn't do it..and I'm not all that girly