I have to talk about how great my family is. I know I give them heart palpitations from time to time and I'm sorry for that. There are always there for me when I least expect it. It's been an interesting year in the life of Vinyle. Moved in with my mom, got divorced, met a guy, moved in with him. They may not approve of all of my choices but I know that my family loves me and my little cheebs unconditionally.
Lil' Sissy otherwise known as Laceyglove and I may have a falling out time and again - but you know what if anyone tried to hurt me she would kick their ass in a second and I would do the same to her. I know that at times I break my moms's heart with some of the things I do and maybe I'm not living the life she envisioned for me, but she is always there for me too.
My Stepdad too. We have kind of an odd relationship, my stepdad and I. Went several years without speaking. The wonderful birth of my son brought us closer together. I'll never forget my mom telling me that he knew deep down on my original wedding day that I would need them and would come back home. He welcomed us back with open arms and made a hard time easier. (thanks also to the now defunct Gersguy for the help on that hard move)
My big brudder - the famous mallenfoto - he's there for me. Looking into great jobs for his lil' sissy, screening the guys I've liked with microscopic scrutiny, talking to me.
IIt's become harder for me to express my love for my family over the years. I don't know why, maybe it was the years living away maybe it was the effects of an unhappy relationship. I may not tell them I love them as much as I should, and I might give patterson half hugs - but you guys - I really do love you - so much that I don't want you to see me cry over it. Silly I know, but that's part of the reason for the distance.
So thank you guys. I loves you.
And I'll do better.
Lil' Sissy otherwise known as Laceyglove and I may have a falling out time and again - but you know what if anyone tried to hurt me she would kick their ass in a second and I would do the same to her. I know that at times I break my moms's heart with some of the things I do and maybe I'm not living the life she envisioned for me, but she is always there for me too.
My Stepdad too. We have kind of an odd relationship, my stepdad and I. Went several years without speaking. The wonderful birth of my son brought us closer together. I'll never forget my mom telling me that he knew deep down on my original wedding day that I would need them and would come back home. He welcomed us back with open arms and made a hard time easier. (thanks also to the now defunct Gersguy for the help on that hard move)
My big brudder - the famous mallenfoto - he's there for me. Looking into great jobs for his lil' sissy, screening the guys I've liked with microscopic scrutiny, talking to me.
IIt's become harder for me to express my love for my family over the years. I don't know why, maybe it was the years living away maybe it was the effects of an unhappy relationship. I may not tell them I love them as much as I should, and I might give patterson half hugs - but you guys - I really do love you - so much that I don't want you to see me cry over it. Silly I know, but that's part of the reason for the distance.
So thank you guys. I loves you.

What sort of family do you have anyway?
I think you just had a couple or three holiday glasses of wine. Tell me if I'm wrong. (Or if I'm right.)