So its been a while, I know…
This last week has been super eventful for not only myself, but like, a billion other Australians. As many of you may know, it was the Melbourne Shootfest. I was lucky enough to be able to attend the Shootfest, shoot four amazing sets with four amazing photographers, AND to have attended my first and certainly not the last SGAU Ball J
My trip over to Melbourne started pretty much the same way my last trip to the Sydney Shootfest started… With absolutely no sleep. As you could all imagine, shooting is absolutely no fun on no sleep. I kid! I shot with my darling @varga and it was actually a lot of fun to be honest. I love shooting with this girl, she is literally the bee’s knees. Pretty much the rest of the day was spent chilling with everyone, having fun, and meeting everyone I didn’t meet last Shootfest.
I stayed with the lovely @jaskola who also housed @lillymaee for the week. We all had a good time, and I’m glad I got to meet lilly for the first time, even though we are both Perthies.
On Friday, I got to shoot with @atlanticlungs , and @coolicio . These girls are wicked fun. I love them to bits. So far I have shot three sets in 2 days on very little sleep. I don’t know about anyone else, but I get pretty grumpy when I’m sleep deprived. Needless to say all I wanted was a nap, but at the same time I didn’t want to miss out on anything.
Day three rolls around and this is the day I got to shoot the cute little @ambra for some practise. I was pretty impressed at how the set turned out, but because I am still green, we opted to use them for prints (if you are interested in purchasing any, pop on over to @ambra ’s profile and let her know!).
The night rolls on and its time for the SGAU Ball. I had such a good time with everyone! I wanna specially thank @varga @jaskola and @lillymaee for helping me out that night.
I’m pretty sure not only was everyone dead on Sunday, but most people were packing up and heading home. I pretty much slept the whole arvo. It was grand, but it still wasn’t enough for me to catch up on what I had lost.
Monday was my last shoot booked for the week. I got to work with the amazing @frankndame and can I just say, jesus Christ guys, I have never felt more sexy and had such a high self esteem as when I got to see the pictures you took. You fucking killed me…. In a good way though haha.
Just look at this shit though, its insane
After that, Lillymaee and I went into the city to get some lunch and do a little bit of shopping. Then headed back home, so I could pack ready for my flight home the next morning.
Sorry guys but im not going to post many pictures on this blog because it usually never fucking lets me!