hello SG land!
Sorry I have been MIA for a week or so, a lot of bad
(but really good
) things have been going in my life.
Bad stuff first I guess.....Tony has been a complete dick to me for a long time now and for a couple months of him not speaking to me, i was extremely depressed and long story short, I am divorcing him. Its sad yes, but i dont deserve to be treated like shit constantly.So we talked and he said he has been unhappy with me a month after we got married, with out telling me anything
so it and its over between us, and im happy that i wont be treated like that again.
Good news
I have found someone who treats me like a person, who is unconditionally sweet to me, and he makes me laugh and smile, and feel good about my self! And he is super handsome and has a great personality.
Now I have a lot to do to finalize my divorce, change my last name back again, AND Im going to be moving to Pennsylvania
as soon as I get all my legal stuff done here. I cant wait to have a change of scenery and be with someone so amazing
How was everyones Easter?? I hope you guys all had a good day!
Mine was good (until dinner time came around, and I was put on the spot and grilled about my ED in front of my family for about an hour, by my dad's bitch of a girlfriend
i fucking hate that woman!!!) But it was good before and after that.
I do have pictures to show you of my Easter Day, they will be on here shortly!
Love you SG Land!!!!
Picture Time!!!!
me and my cousin


my grama & aunt

me & my little sister

my grama loves me!

me & my other sister

my daddy

me & my cousin

a beautiful orchid

my sisters, grama, me

end of the night after half a bottle of wine!

Sorry I have been MIA for a week or so, a lot of bad

Bad stuff first I guess.....Tony has been a complete dick to me for a long time now and for a couple months of him not speaking to me, i was extremely depressed and long story short, I am divorcing him. Its sad yes, but i dont deserve to be treated like shit constantly.So we talked and he said he has been unhappy with me a month after we got married, with out telling me anything

Good news

Now I have a lot to do to finalize my divorce, change my last name back again, AND Im going to be moving to Pennsylvania

How was everyones Easter?? I hope you guys all had a good day!
Mine was good (until dinner time came around, and I was put on the spot and grilled about my ED in front of my family for about an hour, by my dad's bitch of a girlfriend

I do have pictures to show you of my Easter Day, they will be on here shortly!
Love you SG Land!!!!

Picture Time!!!!
me and my cousin


my grama & aunt

me & my little sister

my grama loves me!

me & my other sister

my daddy

me & my cousin

a beautiful orchid

my sisters, grama, me

end of the night after half a bottle of wine!

Happy Earth Day!
