ok my lovelies!!! i have good news.... I GOT A JOB!!!! Yay for me, its not exactly what i enjoy doing, but its money so i dont care what im doing, i get to file trillions of papers all day with no smoke break, and my bosses are very weird and unfriendly
and i have to look professional and shit (not comfortable at all) and and get this, i cant show my tattoos, so its pants and long sleeve shirts, heres the shitty part, my boss turns the air off the whole day
so im sweating and i just feel gross
And some more great news, MY NEW SET COMES OUT TOMORROW at 10:30pm
im very excited about that!!!! So keep an eye out for it!
And now its picture time!!!! (god im a picture whore...lol)
me cleaning

yes! im dusting

first day of work, looking professional

yep, im stoned

a little bit of leg

me again still stoned hehehehe


my toes

5 min. from my house, its gorgeous!!!

can you find the bird???

Ok girls and boys, love you all and have a good week!

And some more great news, MY NEW SET COMES OUT TOMORROW at 10:30pm

And now its picture time!!!! (god im a picture whore...lol)
me cleaning

yes! im dusting

first day of work, looking professional

yep, im stoned

a little bit of leg

me again still stoned hehehehe


my toes

5 min. from my house, its gorgeous!!!

can you find the bird???

Ok girls and boys, love you all and have a good week!
i hope you're doing okay!
=) xxxx
ps. i LOVE your new set, you're such a beauty!