Enjoy getting know the beautiful @noel!
(...pictured here in her 2007 SOTD "Sunday Paper" shot by: @gmesh)
1. How did you discover SuicideGirls? What inspired you to apply?
I was introduced to SuicideGirls by a friend of mine in 2006, when they showed me the SuicideGirls: First Tour DVD, and from then on not only did I want to apply for SG, but also start my career in burlesque.
2. What is the significance of your SG name?
Initially I had tried Baby, being one of my favourite movies is House of a Thousand Corpses, my next choice was Sally, as again, haha, at the time I adored Nightmare before Christmas, but in the end I landed on Noel, because … it’s my actual factual name.
(well middle name 😉)
3. Share a few of your favourite sets of all time!
Oh my God where to begin! I’ll try, and keep this to a reasonable amount.
I am a huge fan of @Fractal’s sets, and ever since watching the First Tour DVD have had mad love for @Sicily. Their multi set Chaser has always been one of my favourites on the site. Presented in black, and white, so deliciously intimate, beautifully shot. I could not say enough about this set!
@Manko is one of the most influential SuicideGirls of all time, with some of the most iconic sets this site has ever seen, my two favourites being Rich Bitch & and Back Street Surgery. So much creativity, genuine attitude, with just the right amount of sex, and trash. Perfection!
@Jamity’s Dark Passenger, which was inspired by the show Dexter. This set is captivatingly moody, her styling is so on point, and she gets in a frig’n mirky ass cold looking lake, which for me is terrifying, haha. Just such a killer set.
@Twinkie’s MarshMellow Moon clearly has so much time, and skill put into the production. it is so damn cute, it makes you feel happy going through each photo, and @Twinkie is an absolute sweet heart.
and @Nixon’s Do or Die is a legendary high themed set that is so fucking sexy, industrial, and honestly visceral. Truly all of her sets are so unique, and I hope to see a return to this style of SG set on the site in the future.
4. If you could shoot with any current team photographer who would it be?
There are so many, and all have such tremendous talent, but I’d have to say @Drew. I am totally in love with her style!
5. Who are some of your best friends in the SG community?
Well most of my friends here have long left SuicideGirls.com as I’ve been around off, and on for quite a while, haha, but without doubt @Jamity Suicide is the SG I have been closest with. We would write one another post cards when we traveled, send one another birthday treats, and such thoughtful gifts. She was my far away sister, a truly talented artist, and a one of a kind human being. It’s a shame we lost touch, but I always hope she is living her very best life.
6. Coffee or tea?
Tea all day baby! With lemon, ginger, and a sprinkle of cayenne pepper.
7. What is your hidden talent?
Ooo … I’d have to say flipping my eye lids inside out.
8. Of all the places you’ve traveled to, which is your favourite?
For anyone who knows me well, this might be a bit of a shock, but Miami, not Florida, just Miami, hahaha. It is such a strange place, so vibrant during the day, but with a weird kinky underbelly at night, and I adore that.
9. Do you have any pets?
I am currently a step mom to a gorgeous Queen of a kitty named Bricks, she’s sixteen years young, and spicy as all get out.
10. What’s your favourite album of all time?
I don’t know if I have a favourite album of all time, but lately I’ve been listening to Sneaker Pimps - Blood Sport on a God damn loop. It’s a flawless album.