Is there a full moon out?? The strangest people coming into the studio (which I usually like) are asking for some wierd stuff... Yesterday it was a woman wo wanted a "gay looking male fairy with his shlong out" yep word for word thats what she said...
On my day off I rented Stay with ewan mcgregor, naomi watts really interesting movie but must be beyond my IQ, if anyone understood the ending please let me know!!! Was he in a coma or dead?????????? Well its been a very uneventful week still trying to get our house in order to sell...but looking forward to one day soon getting out of florida.

On my day off I rented Stay with ewan mcgregor, naomi watts really interesting movie but must be beyond my IQ, if anyone understood the ending please let me know!!! Was he in a coma or dead?????????? Well its been a very uneventful week still trying to get our house in order to sell...but looking forward to one day soon getting out of florida.

is oviedo near jacksonville? i'm going to be there this weekend.
hey thanks! (sorry for the delay, i've been out of town)