i have such a deeep connection to the ocean-the endless rough waters. I grew up in her domain, and walter actually upon her, to imagine a childhood with out her salty sweet lapping kisses or the jewled blanket of sand- all of it divine like kitten tounges. oh the lure, the mytholgy, the ghost tales she holds and inspires- i saw a merrmaid when i was a child on the marginal way. a breif flicker of green in the foaming blue-oh and the canibal island just over a mile out to sea in york-but also the ship that washed a shore and diapearded over night on long sands-(black bearded treasurse if you consult me) every light house has a ghost(usually a murderous husband), and my military grand-uncles tales of aliens crashing, and the goverments subsiqant removal(so what if he's an alcoholic?) and of corse there are always the monsters . quite possibly my favorite....my cuthulus, my innsmouth characters...
***speaking of sea creatures, did you know that Alester Crowley one set up shop on lock ness? and he did not properly shut down any portals or gateways or ceremoneys preformed? he just took off after people strarted dying. now was he attracteds to lock ness because of the stories or did he cause some bridge betwixt worlds.? I think it's a touch of both, lochness must be some form of psychic hot spot, and he merely encouraged the "creature". It is undeyable that there is no way a giant monster could survive on the amount of food in the loch, and study after study revals there are no great masses floating along, yet there is something THERE! metephysical creatuers, remants of some forgot world, the watchers, the acient ones, timat and her hoard perhaps... "if my thoughts on the subject are to be belived."***
***speaking of sea creatures, did you know that Alester Crowley one set up shop on lock ness? and he did not properly shut down any portals or gateways or ceremoneys preformed? he just took off after people strarted dying. now was he attracteds to lock ness because of the stories or did he cause some bridge betwixt worlds.? I think it's a touch of both, lochness must be some form of psychic hot spot, and he merely encouraged the "creature". It is undeyable that there is no way a giant monster could survive on the amount of food in the loch, and study after study revals there are no great masses floating along, yet there is something THERE! metephysical creatuers, remants of some forgot world, the watchers, the acient ones, timat and her hoard perhaps... "if my thoughts on the subject are to be belived."***
I just read your nice comments about RZ, (and everyone else). You are too sweet. If you weren't so evil, I'd have to put you in a cake pan, bake you and serve you to all the whos in whoville. Alas, you have a heart of coal, and would break even the strongest teeth, so a cake you will never be.
When are you guys going to come hang out with us (in a non musical setting)? Eh?