There was a wicked rabbit, and he brought wicked gifts record contracts...
and the gigs rained from the heavens and stained or silk blouses- but we don't need them any longer-we have ipm cloaks and vp daggers!
a glitzy fox hunt will ensue...
meet me in burlington vt. 03,
durham nh 14,
portsmouth nh 01
jamaca plain ma 17
worcester ma 07
and it only has just begune!
long live 2004
this entrty has been brought to you by the iii of wands or rods or sticks or clubs, whater ever they float by in your sweet pond. merci beacoup et bon soir! record contracts...
and the gigs rained from the heavens and stained or silk blouses- but we don't need them any longer-we have ipm cloaks and vp daggers!
a glitzy fox hunt will ensue...
meet me in burlington vt. 03,
durham nh 14,
portsmouth nh 01
jamaca plain ma 17
worcester ma 07
and it only has just begune!
long live 2004
this entrty has been brought to you by the iii of wands or rods or sticks or clubs, whater ever they float by in your sweet pond. merci beacoup et bon soir!